Anna Ute Dunkel

Portrait Foto Anna Ute Dunkel (Foto: David Ausserhofer)
Foto: David Ausserhofer


Former Staff Member of the Research Department

Research fields

urban development and neighbourhood renewal | migration trajectories | interethnic relations | volunteering and civic participation


2009 – 2012 Researcher at the Social Science Research Center Berlin

2008 – 2009 Research Fellow at the Institute for Educational Development Research (IFS), Technical University of Dortmund, research project "all-day school and neighbourhood renewal"

2008 Trainee for Education Co-ordination and social project management, AFW - Akademie für Weiterbildung GmbH (academy for extended vocational training), Berlin, Germany

2007 Diploma in Sociology, Free University of Berlin, Minors: Political Science and English Philology

2005 Student trainee, Verein für Kommunalwissenschaften e.V. (association for local government studies), Berlin, Germany

2004 – 2005 Student assistant and tutor at the chair “Social structure and theoretical foundations of sociology”, Prof. Dr. Heiner Ganßmann, Institute of Sociology, Free University of Berlin

2003 – 2004  Student assistant in the department of Economics and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Gerold Behrens, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Dissertation project

Diversity and cooperation in organisational contexts: Comparative qualitative studies of civic engagement in schools and sports clubs Humboldt University of Berlin, since March 2010, 1st supervisor: Ruud Koopmans.

Duration: 2008-2011
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend - BMFSFJ)