Prof. Dr. Beáta Nagy
Beáta Nagy is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Gender and Culture at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Beáta received a two-month DAAD scholarship for a research stay in the Education and Labor Market research group.
Navigating conflicting expectations - unraveling gender dynamics at work and at home
In my current research, I want to explore how the ambivalences of gender equality, motherhood and work shape women's opportunities in today's labor market in CCE countries. Traditional views and conflicting expectations, as well as shrinking welfare institutions, shape ideas about the appropriate place of women in the workplace and at home. The CEE context is essential due to the massive anti-gender sentiment and illiberal policies in the region that seek to delegitimize the issue of gender equality in the political arena (Fodor, 2022; Kováts, 2021). To explore these issues, I would like to analyze two recent data sets of qualitative interviews on gender equality issues. With this analysis, I aim to contribute to the debate on how beliefs structure women's position in the labor market. I will emphasize how the government's orchestrated rhetoric about motherhood as the primary role of women implicitly relegates women to a secondary position in the labor market. The recent COVID-19 lockdowns - confining people to their homes and reducing state-organized care work - have reinforced the importance of exploring the interconnectedness of households and labour markets (Somogyi et al., 2022). Widespread traditional views on paid work and motherhood became stronger, undermining women's labor market position and career opportunities. Nevertheless, our knowledge of the gender order in the region is limited. In the next section, I explain the two facets of the proposal, which offer two distinct but related ways of capturing recent changes.
1: Digital transformations: Redefining motherhood and work-life balance in the pandemic era
2: Myths and realities: Gender-specific challenges in the search for executives in Central and Eastern European countries
Seit 2021: President of the Hungarian Sociological Association
Seit 2018: ECSR board member
2017- 2023: Member of the Committee ‘Women in Research Career’ launched by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Seit 2015: Professor of Sociology at Corvinus University of Budapest
2008: Habilitation (Gender and Organization)
2001: Co-Director of the Gender and Cultural Studies Centre, Corvinus University of Budapest
1986: MA in Economics and Sociology, Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences, Budapest
Selected Publications
Nagy, B., Geambașu, R., Gergely, O., & Somogyi, N. (2023). “In this together”? Gender inequality associated with home‐working couples during the first COVID lockdown. Gender, Work & Organization, 30(3), 1059-1079.
Somogyi, N., Nagy, B., Geambașu, R., & Gergely, O. (2023). ‘The children, the family, the household, and myself, these made the quarantine up for me, and I was really happy with it’–positive evaluations of the first COVID-19 lockdown among middle-class Hungarian mothers. Journal of Family Studies, 29(4), 1904-1922.
Nagy, Beata; Ewa, Lisowska ; Ewa, Ruminska-Zimny (2022) Designed for Failure? Advocating Equality Against Adversity in Hungary and Poland I:n Isabelle, Engeli; Amy, G. Mazur (eds.) Gender Equality and Policy Implementation in the Corporate World: Making Democracy Work in Business, Oxford University Press.
Nagy, Beáta (2020) “Mummy is in a Call”: Digital Technology and Executive Women’s Work–Life Balance Social Inclusion 8(4) 72-80.
Lannert, Judit ; Nagy, Beáta (2020) Changing Institutional Policies and Gender Equality Challenges: The Hungarian Case In: Sümer, Sevil (ed.) Gendered Academic Citizenship: Issues and Experiences Palgrave Macmillan 165-197.
Striebing, C., Schmidt, E. K., Palmén, R., Holzinger, F., & Nagy, B. (2020). Women underrepresentation in R&I: A sector program assessment of the contribution of gender equality policies in research and innovation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 79, 101749.
Mounia, Utzeri ; Beáta, Nagy ; Iuliana, Ancuţa Ilie (2020) Gender initiatives between support and denial: A cross-cultural study of two automotive companies in Germany and France In: Jasmin, Mahadevan; Henriett, Primecz; Laurence, Romani (eds.) Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural Management : An Intersectional Approach to Culture. London: Routledge pp. 163-173.
Fodor, Éva; Glass, Christy; Nagy, Beáta (2019) Transnational business feminism: Exporting feminism in the global economy. Gender, Work & Organization 26(8) 1117-1137.