Prof. Dr. Camilla Borgna

Portrait Foto Dr. Camilla Borgna (Foto: Martina Sander-Blanck)
Foto: Martina Sander-Blanck


camilla.borgna [at]
Collegio Carlo Alberto
(University of Turin)
Piazza Arbarello 8.
20122 Turin, Italy.
Former Staff Member of the Research Department

Research fields

Education and Training


since 07/2022 Assistant Professor, University of Turin, Italy

03/2018 - 06/2022 Assistant Professor, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy

04/2014 PhD in Political Science (Public Policy) at the Graduate School for Social and Political Sciences (GSSPS) University of Milan

03/2014 - 02/2018 Research Fellow at the WZB, Department of Skill Formation and Labor Markets

Since 2013  Fellow of the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER)

09-11/2013 Visiting scholar at the WZB, Department of Skill Formation and Labor Markets

01-05/2012 Visiting scholar at the University of Arizona, Department of Sociology

02-07/2010 Internship at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Brussels

12/2009 M.A. in European Studies at the University of Turin

07/2007 B.A. in International Studies at the University of Turin

Research interests include: educational inequalities, competence development and comparative assessments of educational systems.

Personal website:

Selected Publications

Borgna, Camilla (2017): "Different Systems, same Inequalities? Post-compulsory Education and Young Adults' Literacy in 18 OECD Countries". In: Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 27, No. 4, Special Issue "Education as Social Policy. Institutions, Public Support and Outcomes over the Life Course”, edited by Valentina Di Stasio/Heike Solga, S. 332-345.
Borgna, Camilla (2017): Migrant Penalties in Educational Achievement. Second-generation Immigrants in Western Europe. Series Changing Welfare States. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Borgna, Camilla/Struffolino, Emanuela (2017): "Pushed or Pulled? Girls and Boys Facing Early School Leaving Risk in Italy". In: Social Science Research, Vol. 61, S. 298-313. (vorab online publiziert 01.07.2016)
Borgna, Camilla/Struffolino, Emanuela (2017): "Schule und das Push’n Pull. Vorzeitiger Schulabgang unter Mädchen und Jungen in Italien". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 155, S. 41-44.
Borgna, Camilla (2016): "Multiple Paths to Inequality. How Institutional Contexts Shape the Educational Opportunities of Second-Generation Immigrants in Europe". In: European Societies, Vol. 18, No. 2, S. 180-199. (vorab online publiziert 1. Februar 2016)
Borgna, Camilla (2015): "Migration, Education, and Inequality. Which European Educational Systems Provide Fair Opportunities to Learn?". In: WZB Report, Vol. 2015, S. 32-35.
Borgna, Camilla/Contini, Dalit (2014): "Migrant Achievement Penalties in Western Europe. Do Educational Systems Matter?". In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 30, No. 5, S. 670-683. (Vorab online publiziert 1. August 2014)
Borgna, Camilla/Struffolino, Emanuela (2014): Early School Leaving Dynamics in Italy. The Heterogeneity of Gender Effects. ISFOL Research Paper 20. Roma: Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori, Roma (ISFOL).
Struffolino, Emanuela/Borgna, Camilla (2021): "Who is really ‘Left behind’? Half a Century of Gender Differences in the School-to-Work Transitions of Low-educated Youth". In: Journal of Youth Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1, S. 162-185. (vorab online publiziert 18.01.2020)
Borgna, Camilla/Solga, Heike/Protsch, Paula (2019): "Overeducation, Labour Market Dynamics, and Economic Downturn in Europe". In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, S. 115-132. (vorab online publiziert 22.12.2018)

Borgna, C. & Tucci, (2023) V. “An unstable equilibrium: the Italian immigrants’ inclusion model facing the pandemic crisis test”, Sociologia del Lavoro, 166(3), 155-182.

Borgna, C., Contini, D., Pinna Pintor S., Ricucci, R., Vigna, N. (2022). Old habits die hard? School guidance interventions and the persistence of inequalities”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 81, 100728.

Borgna, Camilla (2013): “Fuzzy-Set Coincidence Analysis: the Hidden Asymmetries”. COMPASSS Working Papers Series 2013/72

Completed Projects

Untracked or off-track? Inequality of educational opportunities and comprehensive schools in Germany (funded by the German National Science Foundation)

Mismatch in the Labor Market - (PIAAC-Leibniz-network - Module)