Jasmine Lorenzini

Portrait Foto Jasmine Lorenzini (Foto: Udo Borchert)
Foto: Udo Borchert


Jasmine.Lorenzini [at] eui.eu
European University Institute
50014 San Domenico di Fiesole
Firenze - Italy
Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department


Jasmine Lorenzini is Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. She works on the political participation of long-term unemployed youth. More specifically she is interested in the consequences of labor market exclusion for the social and the political inclusion of youth.

From 8/2012 till 1/2013 she was guest of the Research Unit "Skill Formation and Labor Markets".

Her website


Selected Publications

Lorenzini Jasmine and Marco Giugni (2012): Employment Status, Social Capital, and Political Participation: A Comparison of Unemployed and Employed Youth in Geneva. In: Swiss Political Science Review. (forthcoming).

Giugni Marco and Jasmine Lorenzini (2012): Employment Status and Political Participation: Does Exclusion Influence the Protest Behavior of the Young Unemployed? In: Andreosso-O’Callaghan Bernadette and Frédéric Royall (ed.): Economic and Political Change in Asia and Europe: Social Movement Analyses. Springer. (forthcoming)

Lorenzini Jasmine and Marco Giugni (2012): Youth Coping with Unemployment: The Role of Social Support. In: Revue Suisse de Travail Social.