Jasmine Lorenzini, PhD

Portrait Foto Jasmine Lorenzini (Foto: Udo Borchert)
Foto: Udo Borchert


Jasmine.Lorenzini [at] eui.eu
European University Institute
50014 San Domenico di Fiesole
Firenze - Italy
Ehemalige Gastwissenschaftlerin der Abteilung


Jasmine Lorenzini is Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. She works on the political participation of long-term unemployed youth. More specifically she is interested in the consequences of labor market exclusion for the social and the political inclusion of youth.

From 8/2012 till 1/2013 she was guest of the Research Unit "Skill Formation and Labor Markets".

Her website


Ausgewählte Publikationen

Lorenzini Jasmine and Marco Giugni (2012): Employment Status, Social Capital, and Political Participation: A Comparison of Unemployed and Employed Youth in Geneva. In: Swiss Political Science Review. (forthcoming).

Giugni Marco and Jasmine Lorenzini (2012): Employment Status and Political Participation: Does Exclusion Influence the Protest Behavior of the Young Unemployed? In: Andreosso-O’Callaghan Bernadette and Frédéric Royall (ed.): Economic and Political Change in Asia and Europe: Social Movement Analyses. Springer. (forthcoming)

Lorenzini Jasmine and Marco Giugni (2012): Youth Coping with Unemployment: The Role of Social Support. In: Revue Suisse de Travail Social.