Mario Ottaiano
Mario Michael Ottaiano is a PhD student and research assistant at the Chair of International Labour Relations at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. Previously, Mario worked as a research assistant at the WZB in the research group Globalisation, Work, Production (GAP) in the project "Work 2030". Before that, Mario worked as a trade union secretary at the IG Metall district management in Baden-Württemberg. There he supported works councils and worked increasingly on digital trends and future technologies.
Mario studied for his Master's degree in sociology at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, specialising in labour, industrial and economic sociology. Before his Abitur, which he completed via the second educational path, Mario worked as an industrial mechanic in the black coal industry.
His research at the WZB focuses on the technologically induced changes in (industrial) work, with a particular focus on classic office jobs (assistant and clerical work) in administrative areas of (industrial) companies.
Selected Publications
Dreyer, Lianara/ Ottaiano, Mario/ Schneiß, Daniel/ Weiß, Nathan (2024): [Sammelbesprechung] Splitter einer Zwischenevaluation, in: Soziologische Revue, Bd. 47, Heft 1, S.51-70,
Ottaiano, Mario (2023): [Rezension]: Schadt, Peter (2022): Digitalisierung, in: Das Argument. Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften (Hrgs.) Haug, Frigga/ Haug, Wolfgang F./ Jehle, Peter, Bd.65, Heft 1/2023, Ausgabe 341, S.148-149, Argument Verlag, Hamburg.
Sabine Pfeiffer, Volker Baethge, Marco Blank, Annegret Bolte, Uwe Elsholz, Janna Hauschild, Michael Heinlein, Norbert Huchler, Martin Krzywdzinski, Martin Kuhlmann, Rita Meyer, Judith Neumer, Mario Ottaiano, Tobias Ritter, Shana Rühling, Stefan Sauer, Karl Wilbers, Lars Windelband (2023): Arbeit und Qualifizierung 2030 – Essentials. Eine Momentaufnahme aus dem Maschinenraum der dualen Transformation von Digitalisierung und Elektromobilität: Transformationserleben – Transformationsressourcen – Transformationsbereitschaft bei Volkswagen
Florian, Butollo/Thomas, Engel/Manfred, Füchtenkötter/Robert, Koepp/Mario,Ottaiano (2018): Wie stabil ist der digitale Taylorismus? Störungsbehebung, Prozessverbesserungen und Beschäftigungssystem bei einem Unternehmen des Online-Versandhandels. Arbeits- und Industriesoziologische Studien 11: 143-159.