Prof. Dr. Michael Hutter
Research fields
Innovation, Knowledge, and Culture
Soziologie der Wertung | Interdependenz von Wirtschaft und Kunst | Entwicklung der Kreativwirtschaft | Wert und Geld
since 2015 Professor Emeritus
2014 - 2021 WZB Ombudsperson for good scientific practice
03 2008 - 12 2014 Director of the research unit "Cultural Sources of Newness" and Technical University Berlin, Institut for Sociology, Research Professorship
1987 - 2008 Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Chair for the theory of the economy and its social environment
1986 Habilitation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
1976 Dr. rer. pol., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
1971 M.A. Economics, Univ. of Washington, Seattle
1970 B.A. Mathematics, Portland State University, Portland
Selected Publications
Hutter, Michael (2023): "Toward Global Transmodernity. Contemporary Visual Art Games in Twelve African Cities". In: Adelaide Duarte/Marta Pérez-Ibánez (Eds.): The Art Market and the Global South. Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets, Vol. 18Brill, S. 127-153.
Hutter, Michael (2021): "Three Views of a Saleroom. Valorization in and Valuation of Visual Artworks by (mostly) Watteau, Altman and Banksy". In: Journal for Art Market Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, S. 1-15.
Hutter, Michael (2021): "Three Modes of Valuation Practices in Art Games". In: Valuation Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, S. 85-119.
Hutter, Michael (2020): "Information Goods". In: Ruth Towse/Trilce Navarrete Hernandez (Eds.): Handbook for Cultural Economics. Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, S. 287-293.
Hutter, Michael (2018): "The Role of Newness in the Experience Economy". In: Werner Rammert/Arnold Windeler/Hubert Knoblauch/Michael Hutter (Eds.): Innovation Society Today. Perspectives, Fields, and Cases. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 149-164. (Zur Rolle des Neuen in der Erlebniswirtschaft, in englischer Sprache)
Hutter, Michael/Farías, Ignacio (2017): "Sourcing Newness. Ways of Inducing Indeterminacy". In: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 10, No. 5, S. 434-449.
Berthoin Antal, Ariane/Hutter, Michael/Stark, David (Eds.) (2015): Moments of Valuation. Exploring Sites of Dissonance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, XIV, 338 S.
Hutter, Michael (2015): Ernste Spiele. Geschichten vom Aufstieg des ästhetischen Kapitalismus. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 240 S.
Hutter, Michael (2015): The Rise of the Joyful Economy. Artistic Invention and Economic Growth from Brunelleschi to Murakami. London/New York, NY: Routledge, XI, 222 S.