Dr. Mira Fischer
Mira Fischer is a behavioral and education economist in the Market Behavior research unit and conducts research on topics including educational decisions and success, incentives in the educational system, mental health, mindfulness, policy preferences, teamwork, and work motivation. She uses randomized field and survey experiments and causal analyses with administrative data, among other methods.
since September 2018 Postdoc, WZB
2018 PhD in Economics, University of Cologne
2011 MSc International Economics, University of Konstanz
2008 BA Philosophy and Political Science, University of Konstanz
Selected Publications
Fischer, M., Wagner, V. (2023) Do Timing and Reference Frame of Feedback Influence High-Stakes Educational Outcomes?, Economics of Education Review, 94
Fischer, M., Rilke, R.M., Yurtoglu, B.B. (2023) When, and Why, do Teams Benefit from Self-Selection?, Experimental Economics
Fischer, M., Sliwka, D. (2018) Confidence in Knowledge or Confidence in the Ability to Learn: An Experiment on the Causal Effects of Beliefs on Motivation, Games and Economic Behavior, 111, 122-142
Fischer, M., Kauder, B., Potrafke, N., Ursprung, H.W. (2017) Support for Free-Market Policies and Reforms: Does the Field of Study Influence Students’ Political Attitudes? European Journal of Political Economy, 48, 180-197
Fischer, M., Kampkötter, P. (2017) Effects of German Universities’ Excellence Initiative on Ability Sorting of Students and Perceptions of Educational Quality, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 173(4), 662-687
Fischer, M., Lotz, S. (2014) Ist sanfter Paternalismus ethisch vertretbar? Eine differenzierende Betrachtung aus Sicht der Freiheit, Sozialer Fortschritt/German Review of Social Policy, 63(3), 52-58