Dr. Natalie Mevissen
Research fields
09 2014 - 12 2014 Visiting Fellow in the Program on Science, Technology, and Society, Harvard University
Since 03 2014 Associated member at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Since 03 2010 Research fellow in the Science Policy Studies research group 06 2009 - 02 2010 Research fellow in the Institute for Transportation Design, University of Arts, Braunschweig 09 2004 - 04 2006 Studies in sociology at the Universitat de Barcelona, Spain 10 2001 - 02 2009 Studies in sociology, education science and european antropology at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, study focuses: Methodology of Social Scienes, Sociology of Economics and Work, Sociology of Education and social Dispartiy
Selected Publications
Unknown Terrain? Knowledge Transfer in the the Social and Spatial Sciences