Nikolina Klatt

Nikolina Klatt
Caroline Wimmer


nikolina.klatt [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
B 220
Visiting Researcher of the Research Department

Nikolina Klatt is a Research Fellow for the research unit "Transformations of Democracy" and a Speaker of the Doctoral Researchers at the WZB. In the fall of 2024, she joined the Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) at SCRIPTS, the Excellence Cluster of the Freie Universität, as a Doctoral Researcher. Her research interests include democracy research, reproductive rights, and policy process research.

She holds a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School and a Bachelor in Political Science from FernUniversität in Hagen. For her Master thesis, whe was awarded the Data Science Thesis Award by the Hertie school.
Previously, she worked as a Research Fellow at the German Bundestag for Anna Lührmann, the State Minister for Europe and Climate, as a research assistant for the CoronaNet Project, and as a program development assistant in New York, co-organizing the Youth Assembly at the United Nations.

Selected Publications


Articles in non-reviewed journals

Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A./Ellger, Fabio/Klatt, Nikolina/Ngiam, Janice/Ziblatt, Daniel (2024): "Als Begriff umstritten, als Modell umkämpft. was Menschen in Deutschland unter 'Demokratie' verstehen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 20-24.
Klatt, Nikolina (2024): "Zwischen Fortschritt und Rückschritt. Der komplexe Kampf um Frauenrechte weltweit". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 33-36.

Articles in reviewed journals

Klatt, Nikolina/Blum, Sonja (2024): "How Does the Use of Evidence in Policy Narratives Change during Crises? A Comparative Study of New York City's Pandemic School Shutdowns". In: Review of Policy Research, advance access, 15.01.2024, online:

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Klatt, Nikolina/Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A. (2023): "Authoritarianism and Disinformation. The Dangerous Link". In: The Loop - ECPR's Political Science Blog, 09.06.2023.
Klatt, Nikolina/Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa (2023): "Zwischen Fakten und Fiktion. Wie industrielle Desinformation die Demokratie bedroht". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 180, S. 32-35.

Articles in non-reviewed journals

Klatt, Nikolina/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Ziblatt, Daniel (2022): "Politische Gewalt und Demokratie. Konferenz 'Political Violence and Democratic Backsliding' am 6. und 7. Oktober 2022 am WZB, organisiert von der Abteilung Transformationen der Demokratie". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 4=Nr. 178, S. 62.