Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst
since 08/2017
Research Professor of Political Theory at WZB Berlin Social Science Center
since 2009
Co-Director of Research Centre »Justitia Amplificata«, Goethe-University Frankfurt and Freie Universität Berlin (with Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath), Germany
since 2007
Co-Speaker of the Cluster of Excellence »The Formation of Normative Orders« (together with Prof. Dr. Klaus Günther)
since 2004
Full Professor of Political Theory and Philosophy, Institute of Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Research stay at the Thomas Mann House with Thomas Mann Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Visiting Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Visiting Professor at Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Senior Emil Noël Fellow at Jean Monnet Center at New York University School of Law, NY, USA
Leibniz Prize (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis) awarded by German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Harris Distinguished Visiting Professor at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA
Theodor Heuss Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, New School for Social Research, NY, USA
Heisenberg-Scholar at the Institute of Philosophy, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Habilitation in Philosophy, Goethe-University Frankfurt. Title: »Tolerance in Conflict. Past and Present«, Germany
Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, NY, USA
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Theodor Heuss Lecturer of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, NY, USA
Assistant Professor of Political Philosophy, Otto-Suhr-lnstitute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Dr. Phil, Goethe-University Frankfurt. Title: »Contexts of Justice. Political Philosophy beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism« (summa cum laude), Germany
Selected Publications
Forst, R. (2018): »Noumenal Alienation. Rousseau, Kant and Marx on the Dialectics of Self-Determination«. Kantian Review 22 (4), Special Issue on Kant and Marx: 523-551.
Forst, R. (2017): Normativity and Power (transl. by C. Cronin). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Forst, R. (2016): »The Point and Ground of Human Rights: A Kantian Constructivist View«, in: D. Held & P. Maffettone (ed.): Global Political Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press: 22-39.
Forst, R. (2015): »Transnational Justice and Non-Domination. A Discourse-Theoretical Approach«, in: B. Buckinx, J. Trejo-Mathys, T. Waligore (ed.): Domination Across Borders. London & New York: Routledge: 88-110.
Forst, R. (2014): Justification and Critique. Towards a Critical Theory of Politics (transl. by C. Cronin). Cambridge: Polity Press.
Forst, R. (2013): Toleration in Conflict. Past and Present (transl. by C. Cronin). Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press.
Forst, R. (2011): Kritik der Rechtfertigungsverhältnisse. Perspektiven einer kritischen Theorie der Politik. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Forst, R. (2010): »The Justification of Human Rights and the Basic Right to Justification. A Reflexive Approach«. Ethics 120 (4): 711-740 (with a reply from J. Griffin); German version: »Die Rechtfertigung der Menschenrechte und das grundlegende Recht auf Rechtfertigung. Eine reflexive Argumentation«, in: G. Ernst & S. Sellmaier (ed.) (2010): Universelle Menschenrechte und partikulare Moral. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer: 63-96.
Forst, R. (2007): »A Critical Theory of Multicultural Toleration«, in: T. Laden & D. Owen (Hg.): Cultural Diversity and Political Theory. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press: 292-311.
Forst, R. (2003): Toleranz im Konflikt. Geschichte. Gehalt und Gegenwart eines umstrittenen Begriffs. Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp, 5. reprint 2017.
Forst, R.(2002): Contexts of Justice. Political Philosophy beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism (transl. by J. MM. Farrell). Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Forst, R. (2001): »Towards a Critical Theory of Transnational Justice«, Metaphilosophy 32: 160-179; German version: »Zu einer kritischen Theorie transnationaler Gerechtigkeit«, in: R. Schmücker & U. Steinvorth (ed.) (2002): Gerechtigkeit und Politik. Philosophische Perspektiven (Sonderband 3 der Deutschen Zeitschrift für Philosophie), Berlin: Akademie Verlag: 215-232.
Forst, R. (2000) (ed.): Toleranz. Philosophische Grundlagen und gesellschaftliche Praxis einer umstrittenen Tugend. Frankfurt/M & New York: Campus Verlag.
Forst, R. (1996): Kontexte der Gerechtigkeit. Politische Philosophie jenseits von Liberalismus und Kommunitarismus. Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp, reissue 2004.