Ageism in AI: new forms of age discrimination and exclusion in the era of algorithms and artificial intelligence (AGEAI)
The deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise for the economy and society. However, it also brings forth risks concerning social equality, privacy, fairness, and accountability. Recent studies have shed light on significant race and gender biases in algorythmic systems, revealing how AI can negatively impact marginalized groups. Surprisingly, the category of age, crucial for social inclusion and equality in aging societies, has been largely overlooked in research and policy on AI bias.
The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed how older groups endure disproportionate social exclusion due to limited access to digital resources and literacy. Despite this evidence, the role of AI systems in exacerbating these inequalities has only recently come under scrutiny. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has expressed concerns that unchecked AI technologies may perpetuate existing ageism in society, compromising the quality of health and social care for older people (WHO, 2022). Yet, the extent and various forms of ageism in AI remain largely unexplored, making it a relatively uncharted territory.
To bridge this gap, our interdisciplinary study aims to delve into the subject of ageism in AI, seeking to understand its implications and potential consequences for older individuals and the broader society. The aim of the AGEAI project is to critically assess how ageism operates in AI systems, products, services, and infrastructure by focusing on critical areas of AI deployment (healthcare, employment/hiring systems, mobility and transport, financial services, face recognition). The AI technology developed in those areas has been recognized as “high-risk” by the proposed EU AI Act (2022) and will need to be rigorously scrutinized to meet the standards of trustworthy, human centered and fair AI.
Relevant Publications
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Barsotti, Flavia & Koçer, Rüya Gokhan (2022): MinMax fairness: from Rawlsian Theory of Justice to solution for algorithmic bias. AI & Society
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Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia & Rosales, Andrea. (2022): Quality Assessment and Biases in Reused Data. American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0).
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Rosales, Andrea & Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia (2019): Structural Ageism in Big Data Approaches Nordicom Review, vol.40, no.s1, 2019, pp.51-64.
Rosales, Andrea & Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia (2020): Ageism in the era of digital platforms. Convergence - the journal of research into new media technologies, 26(5-6), 1074-1087.
Rosales, Andrea; Fernández-Ardèvol, Mireia & Svensson, Jakob (2023): Digital Ageism: How it operates and approaches to tackling it. Routledge.
Rosales, Andrea & Svensson, Jakob (2021): Perceptions of age in contemporary tech Nordicom Review, vol.42, no.1, pp.79-91.
Koçer, Rüya Gokhan (2018): Measuring the strength of trade unions and identifying the privileged groups: A two-dimensional approach and its implementation. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 42(3), 152-182.
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Sourbati, Maria (2023): Age bias on the move: The case of smart mobility. In A. Rosales, M. Fernández-Ardèvol, & J. Svensson (Eds.), Digital Ageism. How it Operates and Approaches to Tackling it. Routledge.
Sourbati Maria (2020): Age and the City: The Case of Smart Mobility. In: Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology and Society. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12209. Springer, Cham
Sourbati, Maria & Behrendt, Frauke (2020): Smart Mobility, Age, and Data Justice. New Media and Society
Sourbati, Maria & Klontzas, Michael (editors) (2019) Interfacing Public Communications in the Digital Economy. Journal of Digital Media & Policy SpecialIssue10.3
Sourbati, Maria & Loos, (2019): Interfacing age: Diversity and (In)visibility in digital public service, Journal of Digital Media & Policy Vol. 10(3): 275-293
Stypińska, Justyna, Rosales, Andrea & Svensson, Jakob (2023): Silicon Valley Ageism. Ideologies and Practices of Expulsion in Tech Industry, in: Rosales et al, “Digital Ageism”, Routledge.
Stypińska, Justyna & Franke Annette (2023): AI revolution in healthcare and medicine and the (re)emergence of inequalities and disadvantages for ageing population, Frontiers, Sec. Medical Sociology.
Stypińska, Justyna (2023): AI ageism: a critical roadmap for studying age discrimination and exclusion in digitalized societies. AI & Soc 38, 665–677.
Turek, Konrad; Oude Moulders, Jaap, & Stypinska, Justyna (2022): Different Shades of Discriminatory Effects of Age Stereotypes: A Multilevel and Dynamic View on Organizational Behaviors, Journal of Work, Ageing and Retirement.