Selected Publications
Articles in reviewed journals
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa/Eberhardt, Markus (2024): "Democracy doesn't always Happen over Night. Regime Change in Stages and Economic Growth". In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, advance access, 14.06.2024, online:
Dukalskis, Alexander/Furstenberg, Saipira/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Scales, Redmond (2024): "The Long Arm and the Iron Fist. Authoritarian Crackdowns and Transnational Repression". In: Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 68, No. 6, S. 1051-1079. (vorab online publiziert 13.07.2023)
Ellger, Fabio (2024): "The Mobilizing Effect of Party System Polarization. Evidence from Europe". In: Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 57, No. 8, S. 1310-1338. (vorab online publiziert 05.09.2023)
Ellger, Fabio/Klüver, Heike (2024): "Adopting Restriction. How Coalition Governments Respond to Radical Right Parties". In: West European Politics, advance access, 23.05.2024, online:
Gerschewski, Johannes/Giebler, Heiko/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Keremoglu, Eda/Zürn, Michael (2024): "The Limits of Sportswashing. How the 2022 FIFA World Cup Affected Attitudes about Qatar". In: PLoS ONE, Vol. 19, No. 8, Article e0308702, S. 1-19.
Klatt, Nikolina/Blum, Sonja (2024): "How Does the Use of Evidence in Policy Narratives Change during Crises? A Comparative Study of New York City's Pandemic School Shutdowns". In: Review of Policy Research, advance access, 15.01.2024, online:
Lachapelle, Jean/Hellmeier, Sebastian (2024): "Pathways to Democracy after Authoritarian Breakdown. Comparative Case Selection and Lessons from the Past". In: International Political Science Review/Revue internationale de science politique, Vol. 45, No. 1, S. 123-143. (vorab online publiziert 15.12.2022)
Leuschner, Elena/Hellmeier, Sebastian (2024): "State Concessions and Protest Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes". In: Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 57, No. 1, S. 3-31. (vorab online publiziert 29.05.2023)
Maerz, Seraphine F./Edgell, Amanda B./Wilson, Matthew C./Hellmeier, Sebastian/Lindberg, Staffan I. (2024): "Episodes of Regime Transformation". In: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 61, No. 6, S. 967-984. (vorab online publiziert 13.07.2023)
Ziblatt, Daniel/Hilbig, Hanno/Bischof, Daniel (2024): "Wealth of Tongues. Why Peripheral Regions Vote for the Radical Right in Germany". In: American Political Science Review, Vol. 118, No. 3, S. 1480-1496. (vorab online publiziert 20.10.2023)
Articles in collective volumes
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A./Edgell, Amanda B./Hellmeier, Sebastian/Maerz, Seraphine F./Sato, Yuko/Wilson, Matthew/Lindberg, Staffan I. (2024): "Identifying Episodes of Autocratization". In: Aurel Croissant/Luca Tomini (Eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. Routledge International Handbooks. London/New York, NY: Routledge, S. 65-76.
Hellmeier, Sebastian/Leuschner, Elena (2024): "Elections and Autocratization". In: Aurel Croissant/Luca Tomini (Eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. London/New York, NY: Routledge, S. 166-180.
Wilson, Matthew/Edgell, Amanda B./Sato, Yuko/Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A./Lindberg, Staffan I. (2024): "Autocratization - not an 'Illiberal Turn'". In: Marlène Laruelle (Ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Illiberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Articles in non-reviewed journals
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A. (2024): "Wenn die Freiheit stirbt. Morde an Journalist*innen als Gradmesser der Demokratie". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 16-19.
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A./Ellger, Fabio/Klatt, Nikolina/Ngiam, Janice/Ziblatt, Daniel (2024): "Als Begriff umstritten, als Modell umkämpft. was Menschen in Deutschland unter 'Demokratie' verstehen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 20-24.
Copelovitch, Mark/
Ziblatt, Daniel (2024): "Wie die Schuldenbremse zur Bedrohung der Demokratie wird. Das Spardiktat verstärkt die Politikverdrossenheit gegenüber den etablierten Parteien". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, Online-Supplement.
Giebler, Heiko/Lehmann, Pola/Wagner, Aiko (2024): "Demokratie verstehen. Ein Plädoyer für die vergleichende Grundlagenforschung". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 28-32.
Klatt, Nikolina (2024): "Zwischen Fortschritt und Rückschritt. Der komplexe Kampf um Frauenrechte weltweit". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 33-36.
Levitsky, Steven/Ziblatt, Daniel (2024): "Tyrannei der Minderheit. zur Zukunft der amerikanischen Demokratie". In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte - Beilage zur Wochenzeitung Das Parlament, Jg. 74, H. 27, S. 41-48.
Rauh, Christian/Giebler, Heiko/Heisig, Jan Paul (2024): "System unter Druck. Zur Krisenfestigkeit demokratischer Ideale". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, S. 6-9.
Salo, Sanna (2024): "Lehren aus Skandinavien. Die etablierten Parteien und die Herausforderung von rechts". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 183, Online-Supplement.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A. (2024): Are Most Journalists Killed in Democracies?. WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2024-501. Berlin: WZB.
Firestone, Berenike/Ditlmann, Ruth/Turkoglu, Oguzhan (2024): Confronting the Past in a Polarized Present. The Effect of Holocaust Representations on Mobilization for Symbolic Justice and Against Antisemitism. WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2024-504. Berlin: WZB.
Klatt, Nikolina (2024): Judicial Rulings and Political Narratives. Analyzing the Impact of Roe v. Wade's Overturning on Digital Discourse Using Machine Learning. WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2024-502. Berlin: WZB.
Schroeder, Wolfgang/Ziblatt, Daniel/Bochert, Florian (2024): Brandmauer - is still alive! Empirische Ergebnisse zur Unterstützung der AfD in den ostdeutschen Kommunen durch etablierte Parteien (2019-2024). WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2024-503. Berlin: WZB.
Steven, Levitsky/Daniel, Ziblatt (2023): Tyranny of the Minority. Why American Democracy Reached the Breaking Point. New York, NY: Crown, 368 S.
Articles in reviewed journals
Ackermann, Kathrin/Elff, Martin/Giebler, Heiko (2023): "The Federal Election 2021. Germany at the Crossroads?". In: Electoral Studies, Vol. 86, Article 102697, Special Section "The Federal Election 2021 in Context. Germany at the Crossroads?", edited by Kathrin Ackermann/Martin Elff/Heiko Giebler.
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa/Wilson, Matthew Charles (2023): "Contestation and Participation. Concepts, Measurement, and Inference". In: International Area Studies Review, Vol. 26, No. 2, S. 89-106.
Ellger, Fabio/Klüver, Heike/Alberto, Anthea (2023): "The Electoral Consequences of Policy.Making in Coalition Governments". In: Research & Politics, Vol. 10, No. 3, S. 1-7.
Hellmeier, Sebastian (2023): "From Masks to Mismanagement. A Global Assessment of the Rise and Fall of Pandemic-related Protests". In: Research & Politics, Vol. 10, No. 3, S. 1-9.
Hellmeier, Sebastian/Bernhard, Michael (2023): "Regime Transformation from Below. Mobilization for Democracy and Autocracy from 1900 to 2021". In: Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 56, No. 12, S. 1858-1890. (vorab online publiziert 03.02.2023)
Hellmeier, Sebastian/Vüllers, Johannes (2023): "Dynamics and Determinants of Right-Wing Populist Mobilisation in Germany". In: West European Politics, Vol. 46, No. 5, S. 1024-1037. (vorab online publiziert 21.11.2022)
Li, Jianghong/
Giebler, Heiko/
Wetter, Rebecca/ Kenyon Lair, Hannah/
Ellingwood, Julia (2023): "Unequal Electoral Participation. The Negative Effects of Long Work Hours and Unsociable Work Schedules in Europe". In: European Journal of Politics and Gender, Vol. 6, No. 1, S. 92-113. (vorab online publiziert 19.9.2022)
Wilson, Matthew C./Medzihorsky, Juraj/Maerz, Seraphine F./Lindenfors, Patrik/Edgell, Amanda B./Boese, Vanessa A./Lindberg, Staffan I. (2023): "Episodes of Liberalization in Autocracies. A New Approach to Quantitatively Studying Democratization". In: Political Science Research and Methods, Vol. 11, No. 3, S. 501-520.
Articles in collective volumes
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A. (2023): "Operationalizing Democracy for the Democracy Newsroom". In: dpa (Ed.): Democracy Newsroom. Feasibility Study for a New, Worldwide Journalistic Offer. Hamburg: dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur, S. 29-50.
Hellmeier, Sebastian (2023): "Democracy and the Media". In: dpa (Ed.): Democracy Newsroom. Feasibility Study for a New, Worldwide Journalistic Offer. Hamburg: dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur, S. 16-22.
Ziblatt, Daniel (2023): "Conclusion: From the Micro to the Macro". In: Jeffrey S. Kopstein/Jelena Subotic/Susan Welch (Eds.): Politics, Violence, Memory. The New Social Science of the Holocaust. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, S. 297-306.
Articles in non-reviewed journals
Ellis, Susannah (2023): "Gute Presse. In Deutschland stößt Desinformation auf Gegenwehr". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 4=Nr. 182, S. 22-25.
Grimm, Sonja/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Dollbaum, Jan Matti/Dudouet, Véronique (2023): "Editorial: Pro-Democracy Movements in a Comparative Perspective". In: Frontiers in Political Science, Vol. 5, Article 1141635, S. 1-4.
Hochschild, Jennifer L. (2023): "Weniger Armut weltweit. Auch Zahlen können Mut machen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 4=Nr. 182, S. 32-33.
Klatt, Nikolina/Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa (2023): "Zwischen Fakten und Fiktion. Wie industrielle Desinformation die Demokratie bedroht". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 180, S. 32-35.
Steven, Levitsky/Daniel, Ziblatt (2023): "How American Democracy Fell So Far Behind". In:, 05.09.2023.
Wetter, Rebecca/Giebler, Heiko/Li, Jianghong (2023): "Keine Zeit zu wählen. Schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen beeinflussen politische Teilhabe". In:, 29.06.2023.
Collective volumes
Ackermann, Kathrin/Elff, Martin/Giebler, Heiko (Eds.) (2023): The Federal Election 2021 in Context. Germany at the Crossroads?. Electoral Studies, Special Issue, Vol. 86, Special Section. Amsterdam u.a.: Elsevier, 6 SArtikel.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Alizade, Jeyhun/Ellger, Fabio/Grünewald, Marius/Tichelbaecker, Thomas (2023): Exposure to Political Violence Does Not Reduce Political Involvement Among Women. OSF Preprints. Charlottesville, VA: Center for Open Science via Open Science Framework (OSF). (Version 1 online publiziert 27.01.2023)
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A./Bayerlein, Michael/Gates, Scott/Kamin, Katrin/Murshed, Syed Mansoob (2023): Trust Issues? How Being Socialised in an Autocracy Shapes Vaccine Uptake. WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2023-502. Berlin: WZB.
Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A./Eberhardt, Markus (2023): How Does Democracy Cause Growth?. WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2023-501. Berlin: WZB.
Chua, John/Valentim, Vicente/Ziblatt, Daniel/Dinas, Elias (2023): How Mainstream Politicians Erode Norms. Evidence from two Survey Experiments. OSF Preprints. Charlottesville, VA: Center for Open Science via Open Science Framework (OSF). (Version 1 online publiziert 27.06.2023)
Ellger, Fabio/Hilbig, Hanno/Riaz, Sascha/Tillmann, Philipp (2023): Local Newspaper Decline and Political Polarization – Evidence from a Multiparty Setting. OSF Preprints. Charlottesville, VA: Center for Open Science via Open Science Framework (OSF). (Version 1 online publiziert 26.05.2021)
Elsayed, Nourhan A./Hilbig, Hanno/Riaz, Sascha/Ziblatt, Daniel (2023): The Gendered Persistence of Authoritarian Indoctrination. OSF Preprints. Charlottesville, VA: Center for Open Science via Open Science Framework (OSF).
Giebler, Heiko/Antoine, Lukas/Ollroge, Rasmus/Gerhards, Jürgen/Giesecke, Johannes/Humphreys, Macartan/Zürn, Michael (2023): The 'Public Attitudes towards the Liberal Script' (PALS) Survey. Conceptual Framework, Implementation, and Data. SCRIPTS Working Paper 33. Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 "Contestations of the Liberal Script - SCRIPTS".
Morrison, Kelly/Lundstedt, Martin/Sato, Yuko/Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa A./Markström, Klas/Lindberg, Staffan I. (2023): Chains in Episodes of Democratization. V-Dem Working Paper 141. Gothenburg: The Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem Institute).
Articles in reviewed journals
Alizade, Jeyhun/Ellger, Fabio (2022): "Do Politicians Discriminate Against Constituents with an Immigration Background? Field Experimental Evidence from Germany". In: The Journal of Politics, Vol. 84, No. 3, S. 1823-1827. (vorab online publiziert 14.05.2021)
Boese, Vanessa A./Lundstedt, Martin/Morrison, Kelly/Sato, Yuko/Lindberg, Staffan I. (2022): "State of the World 2021. Autocratization Changing Its Nature?". In: Democratization, Vol. 29, No. 6, S. 983-1013.
Boese, Vanessa Alexandra/Gates, Scott/Knutsen, Carl Henrik/Mokleiv Nygård, Håvard/Strand, Håvard (2022): "Patterns of Democracy over Space and Time". In: International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 3, Article sqac041, S. 1-19.
Breznau, Nate/Heisig, Jan Paul/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Hirsch, Magdalena/Hunger, Sophia/Meierrieks, Daniel et al. (2022): "Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty". In: PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 119, No. 44, e2203150119, S. 1-8.
Dasgupta, Aditya/Ziblatt, Daniel (2022): "Capital Meets Democracy. The Impact of Franchise Extension on Sovereign Bond Markets". In: American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 66, No. 3, S. 630-647. (vorab online publiziert 16.03.2021, als Preprint publiziert in SocArxiv 11.01.2021)
Keremoğlu, Eda/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Weidmann, Nils B. (2022): "Thin-Skinned Leaders. Regime Legitimation, Protest issues, and Repression in Autocracies". In: Political Science Research and Methods, Vol. 10, No. 1, S. 136-152. (vorab online publiziert 05.05.2021)
Şaşmaz, Aytuğ/Yağcı, Alper H./Ziblatt, Daniel (2022): "How Voters Respond to Presidential Assaults on Checks and Balances. Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Turkey". In: Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 55, No. 11, S. 1947-1980. (vorab online publiziert 13.01.2022)
Articles in collective volumes
Hellmeier, Sebastian/Vüllers, Johannes (2022): "Gewalt des Staates und Gewalt gegen den Staat im Kontext von Protest". In: Christopher Cohrs/Nadine Knab/Gert Sommer (Hg.): Handbuch Friedenspsychologie. Marburg: Philipps-Universität Marburg, S. 1-21.
Lindberg, Staffan I./Lundstedt, Martin/Alizada, Nazifa/Cole, Rowan/Gastaldi, Lisa/Grahn, Sandra/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Kolvani, Palina/Lachapelle, Jean/Lührmann, Anna/Maerz, Seraphine/Pillai, Shreeya (2022): "Liberal Demokrati i Riskzonen - autokratisering blir viral". In: Kenneth Abrahamsson/Per-Ola Jansson/Torvald Åkesson (Eds.): Demokratin Som Bildningsväg. Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, S. 269-286.
Ziblatt, Daniel (2022): "The Causes of Populism and the Problem of Cultural Majority Rights". In: Liav Orgad/Ruud Koopmans (Eds.): Majorities, Minorities, and the Future of Nationhood. Cambridge u.a.: Cambridge University Press, S. 294-306.
Ziblatt, Daniel (2022): "Der wirksame Staat. Was uns die Corona-Pandemie über die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Demokratien sagt". In: Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Hg.): Zur Zukunft der Demokratie. 36 Perspektiven. München: Siedler Verlag, S. 327-334.
Ziblatt, Daniel (2022): "Die Schwäche Konservativer Parteien und der Untergang der Weimarer Demokratie". In: Thomas Weber (Hg.): Als die Demokratie starb. Die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten – Geschichte und Gegenwart. Freiburg i.Br.: Herder, S. 89-105.
Articles in non-reviewed journals
Boese, Vanessa A./Hellmeier, Sebastian (2022): "Autokratisierung und ihre Folgen. Antidemokratische Kräfte erstarken weltweit". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 176, Online-Supplement.
Ellger, Fabio (2022): "Das Virus der Aggression. Politisch motivierte Gewalt hat in der Pandemie zugenommen /". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 176, S. 17-20.
Heisig, Jan Paul/
Giebler, Heiko/
Rauh, Christian (2022): "Eine Frage des Vertrauens. Warum Menschen die Corona-Impfung ablehnen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 175, S. 36-39.
Hellmeier, Sebastian (2022): "Demokratische Resilienz. Auch für Gesellschaften ist die Pandemie ein Stresstest". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 1=Nr. 175, S. 25-28.
Hellmeier, Sebastian (2022): "Polarisierung auf der Straße. Die politischen Folgen der Dynamiken von Protest und Gegenprotest". In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen - Analysen zu Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 336-350.
Klatt, Nikolina/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Ziblatt, Daniel (2022): "Politische Gewalt und Demokratie. Konferenz 'Political Violence and Democratic Backsliding' am 6. und 7. Oktober 2022 am WZB, organisiert von der Abteilung Transformationen der Demokratie". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 4=Nr. 178, S. 62.
Riaz, Sascha/Bischof, Daniel/Wagner, Markus (2022): "Spirale des Hasses. Berichte über migrantische Tatverdächtige können Gewalt gegen Minderheiten schüren". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2=Nr. 176, S. 10-12.
Collective volumes
Elff, Martin/Ackermann, Kathrin/Giebler, Heiko (Hg.) (2022): Wahlen und politische Einstellungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Persistenz, Konvergenz oder Divergenz?. Reihe Wahlen und politische Einstellungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, XVII, 338 SS.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Sato, Yuko/Lundstedt, Martin/Morrison, Kelly/Boese, Vanessa A./Lindberg, Staffan I. (2022): Institutional Order in Episodes of Autocratization. V-Dem Working Paper 133. Gothenburg: The Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem Institute).
Articles in reviewed journals
Boese, Vanessa A./Edgell, Amanda B./Hellmeier, Sebastian/Maerz, Seraphine F./Lindberg, Staffan I. (2021): "How Democracies Prevail. Democratic Resilience as a Two-Stage Process". In: Democratization, Vol. 28, No. 5, Special Issue "Resilience of Democracies. Responses to Illiberal and Authoritarian Challenges", edited by Wolfgang Merkel/Anna Lührmann, S. 885-907. (vorab online publiziert 27.04.2021)
Hellmeier, Sebastian/Cole, Rowan/Grahn, Sandra/Kolvani, Palina/Lachapelle, Jean/Lührmann, Anna/Maerz, Seraphine F./Pillai, Shreeya/Lindberg, Staffan I. (2021): "State of the World 2020. Autocratization Turns Viral". In: Democratization, Vol. 28, No. 6, S. 1053-1074. (vorab online publiziert 24.05.2021)
Articles in non-reviewed journals
Ellger, Fabio/Hilbig, Hanno/Riaz, Sascha/Tillmann, Philipp (2021): "Weniger Stimmen für die Volksparteien. Warum Lokalzeitungssterben zur Polarisierung der Wählerschaft beiträgt". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 172, Online-Supplement.
Giebler, Heiko/Sanhueza Petrarca, Constanza/Weßels, Bernhard (2021): "Rationalität und Populismus. Die Rolle der Wissenschaften in der Pandemie". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 172, S. 36-38.
Ziblatt, Daniel/Levitsky, Steven (2021): "Die Verzweiflung der alten Mehrheit. Amerikas Konservative setzen die Demokratie aufs Spiel". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 172, S. 6-9.
WZB discussion papers / working papers
Lachapelle, Jean/Hellmeier, Sebastian/Lührmann, Anna (2021): How to Build Democracy after Authoritarian Breakdown. Insights from a Mixed Methods Approach. V-Dem Working Papers 122. Gothenburg: The Varieties of Democracy Institute at the University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute.
Ziblatt, Daniel/Hilbig, Hanno/Bischof, Daniel (2021): Wealth of Tongues. Why Peripheral Regions Vote for the Radical Right in Germany. SocArXiv Papers. College Park, MA: SocArXiv. (Version 1 online publiziert 23.04.2020)