Working-Life Time Accounts in Company Practice


Overtime and certain components of remuneration can be credited in long-term working-time accounts and then drawn down at a later point. The basic idea is to save up time for use in a later phase of working life. For the company, long-term working-time accounts make for flexibility; for the employee, they offer the opportunity to improve the distribution of occupational and nonoccupational demands across the course of life. However, the range of ways for companies to implement this instrument is extraordinarily broad, as is the range of possibilities for employees to use it. In that context the objectives of flexible labor management, the desires of the employees, the legal framework, and the rights of all participants in an industrial democracy constitute a complex and sometimes contentious arena that calls for careful analysis. This project tackles the task. Drawing on representative data from companies, detailed industrial case studies, and quantitative and qualitative surveys of employees, the authors comprehensively present and evaluate the practices and obstacles involved in using long-term working-time accounts.

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Selected Publications

Hildebrandt, Eckart/Wotschack, Philip/Kirschbaum, Almut (2009): Zeit auf der hohen Kante. Langzeitkonten in der betrieblichen Praxis und Lebensgestaltung von Beschäftigten. Forschung aus der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Bd. 98. Berlin: edition sigma, 257 S.
Wotschack, Philip/Scheier, Franziska/Hildebrandt, Eckart (2009): "Keine Zeit für die Auszeit. Langzeitkonten schaffen im Erwerbsverlauf bisher kaum Entlastungen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 123, S. 12-15.
Wotschack, Philip/Hildebrandt, Eckart/Scheier, Franziska (2008): "Langzeitkonten - Neue Chancen für die Gestaltung von Arbeitszeiten und Lebensläufen?". In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 61, H. 11+12, S. 619-626.
Wotschack, Philip/Hildebrandt, Eckart (2008): "Working-Life Time Accounts in German Companies. New Opportunities for Structuring Working Hours and Careers?". In: Peter Ester/Ruud Muffels/Joop Schippers/Ton Wilthagen (Eds.): Innovating European Labour Markets. Dynamics and Perspectives. Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, S. 215-241.
Brandl, Sebastian/Hildebrandt, Eckart/Wotschack, Philip (Hg.) (2008): Arbeitszeitpolitik im Lebensverlauf. Ambivalenzen und Gestaltungsoptionen in deutscher und europäischer Perspektive. Edition der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Bd. 212. Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, 174 S. + CD-ROM.

Hildebrandt, Eckart (Hg.) (2007): Lebenslaufpolitik im Betrieb. Optionen zur Gestaltung der Lebensarbeitszeit durch Langzeitkonten. Berlin: edition sigma

Hildebrandt, Eckart/Wotschack, Philip (2006): Langzeitkonten und Lebenslaufpolitik. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 59, H. 11, S. 592-500