Dr. Eylem Kanol

Eylem Kanol Portrait 2021 (David Ausserhofer)


+49 30 25491 452
eylem.kanol [at] wzb.eu
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
B 404
Former Student Assistant of the Research Department
Research Fellow of the Research Department

Research fields

Migration, Integration, and Intercultural Conflicts
Political and religious extremism | Radicalization | Religious fundamentalism | Political protest


Eylem Kanol studied Sociology at the TU Dresden (BA), Leeds University (MA) and Free University of Berlin (MA). He received his doctorate in sociology on the subject of Islamist radicalization from the Humboldt University of Berlin. He is a research fellow at the WZB at the research unit Migration, Integration, Transnationalization since 2015.

Selected Publications

Hunger, S., Hutter, S., & Kanol, E. (2023). The mobilisation potential of anti-containment protests in GermanyWest European Politics, 46(4), 812-840.

Kanol, E. (2023). The Role of Socioeconomic Marginalization in the Radicalization of Jihadi Foreign Fighters from Europe. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism

Kanol, E., & Michalowski, I. (2023). Impact of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Religiosity: Evidence from GermanyJournal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 62(2):293–311

Kanol, E. (2022). Contexts of Radicalization of Jihadi Foreign Fighters from Europe. Perspectives on Terrorism, 16(3), 45–62.

Kanol, E.; Knoesel, J. (2021). Right-Wing Extremist Mobilization in Germany. Version 1.0.0. WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Dataset.

Kanol, E. (2021). Explaining Unfavorable Attitudes Toward Religious Out-Groups Among Three Major ReligionsJournal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 60(3), 590–610

Koopmans, R.; Kanol E.; Stolle D. (2021). Scriptural legitimation and the mobilisation of support for religious violence: experimental evidence across three religions and seven countriesJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(7), 1498–1516