Prof. Dr. Duncan Gallie

Portrait Foto Prof. Dr. Duncan Gallie (photo: private)
photo: private


Duncan.Gallie [at]
Former Visiting Researcher of the Research Department

Research fields

Labor and Labor Market


Duncan Gallie, CBE FBA Professor of Sociology, Nuffield College, University of Oxford.  

In 2012 guest of the Research Unit "Skill Formation and Labor Markets".

Current Research: Employment Change and the Quality of Work.

The Quality of Work in Europe. The project examines the impact of the economic crisis on the quality of work in Europe, drawing on data from the European Social Survey in 2004 and 2010.

The British Skills and Employment Survey 2012. The fieldwork of this new wave of the British Skills Survey series, initiated in 1992, is currently underway. The analyses will involve an assessment of the pattern of change in the skills and job quality of the British workforce since the early 1990s.

Some recent publications:

Duncan Gallie, Ying Zhou, Alan Felstead and Francis Green ‘Teamwork, Skill Development and Employee Welfare’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50, 1, 23-46, 2012

Duncan Gallie and Ying Zhou ‘The changing job skills of female part-time workers in Britain 1992-2006’, Human Resource Management Journal, 21, 1, 28-44, 2011.

Duncan Gallie ‘Institutional regimes and employee influence at work: a European comparison’ Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, Vol 2, 3, November 2009.

Duncan Gallie and Helen Russell ‘Work –Family Conflict and Working Conditions in Western Europe’, Social Indicators Research, Volume 93, 3, 445-467, 2009