books with woman
Eliabe Costa/Unsplash

Social inequalities in the creative arts


The creative arts are characterized by high degrees of competition and unequal levels of success and fame. The number of highly successful artists pales in comparison to the number of those who live and work under precarious conditions. With a focus on contemporary German literature, this research projects studies the extent and the reasons for gender inequalities in a field that is characterized by great disparity and ambiguity. Do men and women write different types of books? Are they published by different publishers, reviewed differently and with different frequency? Who wins what book prizes? To answer these questions, the research team uses a multitude of computational methods for both data collection and data analysis.

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Selected Publications

Schilling, Erik/Harsch, Corinna/Hipp, Lena/Knobloch, Marcel/Munnes, Stefan/Vogel, Johannes S. (2024): "Wer wird nominiert, wer gewinnt? Eine empirisch-vergleichende Analyse von Literaturpreisen im deutschsprachigen Raum". In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, Jg. 54, H. 1, S. 125-144 (vorab online publiziert 05.03.2024).
Munnes, Stefan/Harsch, Corinna/Knobloch, Marcel/Vogel, Johannes S./Hipp, Lena/Schilling, Erik (2022): "Examining Sentiment in Complex Texts. A Comparison of Different Computational Approaches". In: Frontiers in Big Data, Vol. 5, Article 886362, S. 1-16.
Hipp, Lena/Knoblauch, Marcel/Harsch, Corinna (2023): "Die schönen Künste auszeichnen. Über Kriterien und Auswahlprozesse bei Literaturpreisen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 3=Nr. 181, S. 44-47.