WZB Big Data Brown-Bag Seminar

Big Data is more than a buzzword, data tracking is becoming an essential feature of our day-to-day lives. Today, data mining techniques are used in every social sphere from public health to government relations, from scientific knowledge production to market exchange, from urban infrastructures to every-day mobility. Algorithms affect everyone of us in our private and professional lives. Because the application contexts of Big Data are multifold and ever increasing, there is a need to examine the current developments very carefully. A multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach is needed to study the societal implications of the data revolution. But Big Data research requires also sophisticated methodological expertise for data, data collection, analysis and visualization. The WZB Big Data Brown-Bag Seminar aims to bring social science researchers together who are working on Big Data or working with Big Data. Along with the WZB Big Data blog, the Brown-Bag Seminar should pool expertise and stimulate in-house collaborations on a topic that has the potential to transform society.

The Big Data Brown-Bag Seminar is open to all WZB researchers in all stages to present their work, to get methodological support or conceptual feedback. If you wish to present and discuss your research (in English or in German), please contact martina.franzen [at] wzb.eu (Martina Franzen). All presenters are encouraged to share their slides or article drafts to be further discussed in the WZB Big Data Blog.

Upcoming Seminars
Past Seminars
November 26, 2018

The Politics of Datafication. Zu einer geschlechtersoziologischen Machtanalyse digitaler Datentechnologien

Seminar with Bianca Prietl

July 11, 2018

Wo geht die Reise hin? Datenbasierte Mobilitätsinnovationen mithilfe von KI-Methoden

Seminar with Yen Dieu Pham and Stephanie von Riegen

June 28, 2018

Tiefgreifende Mediatisierung: Pioniergemeinschaften und die Datafizierung des Sozialen

Seminar with Andreas Hepp

May 17, 2018

Digitale Entmündigung. Über die sozialen Implikationen von „User Experience Design“

Seminar with Rainer Mühlhoff

February 9, 2018

Gute Daten – schlechte Daten? Daten in der empirischen Sozialforschung im Vergleich

Seminar with Nina Baur

January 18, 2018

Das Ende der Theorie?! Zum Wandel der disziplinären Wissensproduktion durch Big Data


November 23, 2017

Datafizierter Journalismus – die Antwort des Journalismus auf die datafizierte Gesellschaft

Seminar with Wiebke Loosen

October 4, 2017

Human Computation und Data Science: Worum geht es?

Seminar with François Bry

June 23, 2017

Patients’ experience and opinion of data-intensive biomedical research

Seminar with Flavio D’Abramo

May 11, 2017

Challenging Technologies: On the Epistemology, Ethics and Politics of Big Data Practices

Seminar with Judith Simon

February 9, 2017

Der Algorithmus entscheidet? Zum Einfluss automatisierter Selektion in digitalen Plattformen

Seminar with Cornelius Puschmann

December 14, 2016

Eignet sich Topic Modeling als sozialwissenschaftliche Methode? Ein Werkstattbericht zur Analyse der REF Impact Case Studies

Seminar with Martina Franzen and Stefan Priester

October 13, 2016

Tracing und Tracking für die Verkehrswende? Big Data in der Mobilitätsforschung

Seminar with Marc Schelewsky

September 22, 2016

Das metrische Wir. Zur Quantifizierung des Sozialen

Seminar with Steffen Mau

June 9, 2016

Datafying education: How digital data practices reconfigure the organisation of learning in schools

Seminar with Juliane Jarke

May 19, 2016

Digital Watchdogs? Wie Journalisten Daten zu Nachrichten machen

Seminar with Christoph Marty

April 21, 2016

Sociological Engagements with Big Data: Analytical and Methodological Challenges

Seminar with Sophie Mützel

March 24, 2016

Bringing Big Data to the Sciences

Seminar with Sebastian Schelter

January 18, 2016

Data Labours: Do Museums Dream of Digital Insects?

Seminar with Tahani Nadim

November 30, 2015

Contested Boundaries. Explaining Where Ethno-Racial Diversity Provokes Neighborhood Conflict

Seminar with Merlin Schaeffer

November 5, 2015

Cutting through the Big Data Hype

Seminar with Ranty Islam

October 22, 2015

Big Data Methods and the Study of International Institutions

Seminar with Alexandros Tokhi

September 28, 2015


Seminar with Jeanette Hofmann