Donnerstag, 24. März 2016

Bringing Big Data to the Sciences

WZB Big Data Brown Bag Seminar with Sebastian Schelter

The first part of my talk will provide a brief history of the development of 'big data' technology from the perspective of the database systems research community. After that I will give an example of how large web companies successfully use scientific experiments and big data technology in product development. In the second part, I will present ideas on how the sciences can build upon these findings and start to leverage big data technology. I will illustrate the ideas using a side project of mine that studies country-specific differences in the surveillance of web browsing.

Dr. Sebastian Schelter, Senior Researcher with the Database Systems and Information Management Group at Technische Universität Berlin

Discussant: Dr. Alexandros Tokhi, Research Fellow of the WZB Research Unit Global Governance