Patricia de Paiva Lareiro
Patricia de Paiva Lareiro has been a member of the research group "Working in highly automated digital hybrid processes" at the Weizenbaum Institute for Networked Society since February 2018. Previously, she studied sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg with a focus on labor sociology and qualitative research methods. Her dissertation project deals with the transformation of industrial production through the development and application of digital technologies from a sociological perspective.
Selected Publications
Vladova, Gergana/Wotschack, Philip/de Paiva Lareiro, Patricia/Krzywdzinski, Martin (2022): Development of problem-solving skills in a manufacturing context – a learning factory concept . Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022).
Butollo, Florian/de Paiva Lareiro, Patricia (2021:) Technikutopien und säkulare Stagnation: Der Kapitalismus als Treiber und Schranke des Digitalen. In: Sablowski, Thomas/Dellheim, Zudith/Demirović, Alex/Pühl, Katharina/Solty, Ingar (Hg.): Auf den Schultern von Karl Marx, Münster, S. 359-375.
Vladova, Gergana/Wotschack, Philip/de Paiva Lareiro, Patricia/Gronau, Norbert/Thim, Christof (2020): "Lernen mit Assistenzsystemen. Vor lauter Aufgaben den Prozess nicht sehen?". In: Industrie 4.0 Management, Jg. 36, H. 3, S. 16-20.
Warnhoff, Kathleen/de Paiva Lareiro, Patricia (2019): Skill Development on the Shopfloor: Heading to a digital divide? 2nd Weizenbaum Conference on the subject of “Challenges of Digital Inequality: Digital Education, Digital Work, Digital Life”, 16/17th of May 2019 Berlin.