Dr. habil. Weert Canzler

Foto von Weert Canzler
David Ausserhofer


weert.canzler [at] wzb.eu
E 319

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David Ausserhofer

Research fields

Mobility and Traffic
Social science based mobility research | Energy policies | Innovation Research | Research- and technology policies


since 2020
Head of the Research Group "Digital Mobility and Social Differentiation", WZB (in collaboration with Andreas Knie)

Habilitation in social science based mobility research at faculty of transportation and traffic sciences "Friedrich List" at Technical University of Dresden

since 2013
Speaker of Leibniz Research Alliance “Energiewende”  

since 2009-2019
Senior Researcher in Research Group "Science Policy", WZB

2000 - 2007  
Deputy Chair of the Academic Council, WZB  

Cofounder (with Andreas Knie) of the project group on mobility  

Ph.D. at the Institute of Sociology at the Technical University of Berlin

since 1994  
Research Fellow at the Social Science Center (WZB)

1990 - 1992  
Main coordinator in the creation of the Secretariat for Futures Studies (SFZ) in Gelsenkirchen

Diploma (master’s degree) in political science at the Free University of Berlin; minor in economics and law

Selected Publications

Canzler, Weert (2019): "Market and Technology Trends of Automotive Future in Germany". In: Lutz Mez/Lila Okamura/Helmut Weidner (Eds.): The Ecological Modernization Capacity of Japan and Germany. Comparing Nuclear Energy, Renewables, Automobility and Rare Earth Policy. Reihe Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 155-170.
Canzler, Weert (2019): "Theorie der Strukturierung. Das Automobil und die moderne Gesellschaft". In: Ute Samland/Anna Henkel (Hg.): 10 Minuten Soziologie: Bewegung. 10 Minuten Soziologientranscript, S. 115-128.
Canzler, Weert/Knie, Andreas/Ruhrort, Lisa (2019): Autonome Flotten. Mehr Mobilität mit weniger Fahrzeugen. München: oekom Verlag, 168 S.
Canzler, Weert/Radtke, Jörg (2019): "Der Weg ist das Ziel: Verkehrswende als Kulturwende. Oder: Zur schwierigen Entwöhnung vom Auto". In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte - Beilage zur Wochenzeitung Das Parlament, Jg. 69, H. 43, S. 33-38.
Knie, Andreas/Canzler, Weert (2019): "We Are Gridlocked". In: WZB Report, Special edition 50 Years WZB Berlin Social Science Center "in touch. Research and Society", S. 71-73.
Simon, Dagmar/Kuhlmann, Stefan/Stamm, Julia/Canzler, Weert (Eds.) (2019): Handbook on Science and Public Policy. Handbooks of Research on Public Policy Series. Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 584 S.
Canzler, Weert (2018): "Mammutprojekt Verkehrswende und aktuelle verkehrspolitische Fragen". In: Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik, Jg. 67, H. 4, S. 491-502.
Canzler, Weert/Knie, Andreas (2018): Taumelnde Giganten. Gelingt der Autoindustrie die Neuerfindung?. München: oekom Verlag, 160 S.
Canzler, Weert/Engels, Franziska/Rogge, Jan-Christoph/Simon, Dagmar/Wentland, Alexander (2017): "From 'Living Lab' to Strategic Action Field? Bringing together Energy, Mobility, and Information Technology in Germany". In: Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 27, No. May, S. 25-35.
Canzler, Weert/Knie, Andreas (2016): "Mobility in the Age of Digital Modernity. Why The Private Car is Losing Its Significance, Intermodal Transport is Winning and why Digitalisation is the Key". In: Applied Mobilities, Vol. 1, No. 1, S. 56-67. (vorab online publiziert 22. März 2016)
Canzler, Weert/Wittowsky, Dirk (2016): "The Impact of Germany's 'Energiewende' on the Transport Sector. Unsolved Problems and Conflicts". In: Utilities Policy - Governance, Performance, Analysis, Vol. 41, No. August, Special section on German Energiewende, edited by Weert Canzler/Philipp Grundmann/Markus Leibenath/Timothy Moss/Leslie Quitzow/Tilmann Rave, S. 246-251. (vorab online publiziert 10.03.2016)

Leibniz Research Alliance “Energy Transition”

Energy and transport transition as challenge for science based mobility research

Active mobility