Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions

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The energy transition is not only a technical challenge – it also requires new forms of governance and innovative business models. Leibniz Research Alliance was established in July of 2013 by the executive committee of Leibniz-Gemeinschaft for a period of five years and embraces competences of 22 institutes of Leibniz-Gemeinschaft of all sections.

The Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions bundles different topics of energy research. The alliance addresses the challenges of energy transition with an interdisciplinary research approach that combines expertise from the humanities, the natural and the engineering sciences. Furthermore the alliance tends to work in problem oriented research projects considering the energy issue as a whole including the sectors electricity, heating and traffic.

The German energy system is undergoing the most radical change in its history. The nuclear power phase-out and ambitious climate protection targets call for a far greater share of renewable energy sources, a drastic increase of energy efficiency, and substantial energy savings. These goals will not be reached through technical innovations alone. New forms of governance, improved regulations, original business models, and social innovations are equally crucial for success. Moreover, broad public consent is needed for an environmentally and socially sustainable transition.

Its research focuses on three key areas of conflict that arise from the transformation process:

  • Centralized vs. decentralized systems
  • Collective vs. individual interests
  • Global vs. local effects

    Weert Canzler from the Research Group Science Policy Studies is announced as the speaker of Leibniz Research Alliance on Energy Transitions and Leslie Quitzow is the coordinator who organizes joint research activities of Leibniz Research Alliance.