Donations and their collection in Germany: Past - Presence - Future


Both donating time and money play an important role in terms of citizens' responsibilities for the public interest. Comprehensive scientific results already exist with regard to civic engagement. However, donation behavior has only been cursorily examined in Germany. Only estimates of the amount of donations exist. The goal of the project was to undertake a thoroughgoing analysis on the donation topic and this was based on existing surveys. Simultaneously, and in light of the existing situation, methodological, organizational, and content suggestions for the creation of a continuous donation reporting and monitoring were submitted. The project is connected to research results on the third sector.

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Selected Publications

Sommerfeld, Jana (2004): Herausforderungen Spendenstatistik – Ein internationaler Vergleich mit Rückschlüssen auf Deutschland. In: Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen (Hrsg.): DZI Spenden-Almanach 2004/5, S. 20-32.

Priller, Eckhard/Sommerfeld, Jana (2005): Wer spendet in Deutschland? Der Einfluss von Erwerbsstatus und Werten. In: WZB-Mitteilungen 108, Juni 2005, S. 36-39.

Eckhard Priller, Jana Sommerfeld (2005): Wer spendet in Deutschland? Eine sozialstrukturelle Analyse. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2005 - 202. Berlin.