Social Integration und Regional Mobility


Increasing wordwide migration and the diminishing integration capacity of labour call for new answers to the challenge of ensuring a successful and systematic integration of groups of people who have come and will continue to come to Germany from abroad. In future, their participation in the work process and the reliance on ethnic networks will no longer suffice to ensure the social integration of such groups of migrants, if this process is left to its own devices. In view of the current labour market situation and the changes being made to the welfare state, more state control at all levels and in all spheres of life will be needed. The central questions of the project are as follows, (1) is it necessary to have a basic concept for state control of the integration of migrants and (2) how should this be specified? Other questions to be addressed within such a concept are the relationship between social integration and spatial segregation and the determination - of a possibly enhanced - status of housing in the ensemble of factors having a influence on the integration of foreign population groups.

Main content


The examination of spatial mobility in the context of social integration relates to theories of migration, of civil society, of social inequality and exclusion as well as to theories of the welfare state and its areas of conflict. The analyses are based on national and international migration statistics and on national social surveys for example the “Socio-economic Panel” or the “Integrationsurvey”.

Selected Publications

Hinrichs, Wilhelm (2004): „Ausländerintegration in Deutschland. Auf der Suche nach einem Grundkonzept“, in: Sozialmagazin, Jg. 29, Heft 5, S. 11-19

Hinrichs, Wilhelm (2003): Ausländische Bevölkerungsgruppen in Deutschland. Integrationschancen 1985 und 2000, Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Arbeitspapier SP I 2003-202

Hinrichs, Wilhelm (2003): Mit dem Heimatland verbunden, in: arbeit und beruf, Jg. 54, Nr. 12, S. 354-357

Hinrichs, Wilhelm (2001): Die Freizügigkeit der Ostdeutschen – vom Wunsch zur Wirklichkeit, in: Deutschland Archiv, Jg. 34. Nr. 5, September/Oktober, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, S. 747-759

Hinrichs, Wilhelm (2001): Die Ostdeutschen in Bewegung: Formen und Ausmaß regionaler Mobilität in den neuen Ländern, in: Hinrichs, Wilhelm, Priller, Eckhard (Hg.): Handeln im Wandel. Akteurskonstellationen in der Transformation, Berlin: edition sigma, S. 251-281