Future Mobility

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A project in cooperation with: MIT Media Lab, University of California Berkeley, London School of Economics and Political Science, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) and Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel (InnoZ)                           

Decarbonising transport and mobility systems is a pressing challenge for global climate change mitigation. Understanding and differentiating the performance of emerging new transport and mobility systems will be fundamental in identifying successful and sustainable transformation paths.

This requires integrating analytical insights and empirical evidence from across disparate disciplines and relating to complex interactions between technology innovation, user behaviour and preferences, infrastructure and urban design, economic efficiency and environmental performance.

Drawing on the respective strengths of an international and multi-disciplinary network of leading mobility research centers, the project will create an initial research exchange and data platform to support strategic and transformational policy design for decarbonising transport and with the aim of catalysing a wider global research programme.