Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schoon

Portrait Foto Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schoon (Foto: Udo Borchert)
Foto: Udo Borchert


i.schoon [at]
E 217
Ehemalige Gastwissenschaftlerin der Abteilung
Gast der Forschungsprofessur
Gastwissenschaftlerin der Forschungsprofessur


Ingrid Schoon ist Chair of Social Policy am Social Research Institute, University College London (UCL). Ihre Forschung konzentriert sich auf Fragen der sozialen Ungleichheit im Karriereverlauf und Entwicklung von individuellen Leistungspotenzialen, insbesondere bezüglich des Übergangs von der Schule in den Beruf. Ingrid Schoon ist bis Ende September Gastwissenschaftlerin der Forschungsprofessur „Arbeit, Familie und soziale Ungleichheit".

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Ausgewählte Publikationen


Burger, K., Becker, M., & Schoon, I. (2024). Mental Health and Educational Attainment: How Developmental Stage Matters. Developmental Psychology, 60(1), 108-123.

Parsons, S, Fitzsimons, E, Schoon, I (2024). Long-term outcomes for care leavers who became parents and experiences of their children – Evidence on the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage in two British cohort studies.…

Schoon, I., Symonds, J., & Beyers, W. (2024). Adolescents' digital lives: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of adolescence, 96(4), 681-683.

Schoon, I. (2024). The study of risk and resilience. In: Brockmann, H. & Fernande-Urbano, R. Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing. ISBN: 978 1 80088 966 8 


Daumiller, M., Rinas, R., Schoon, I., & Lüftenegger, M. (2023, March 22). How did COVID-19 Affect Education and What can be Learned Moving Forward? A Systematic Meta-Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 231(3).

Descary, G., Dupéré, V., S, T. H., & Schoon, I. (2023). Is Academic Agency Relevant for the School-to-Work Transition of Lower Attainers? Evidence from Canada and England. J Youth Adolesc, 52(12), 2509-2525. doi:10.1007/s10964-023-01843-1

Fitzsimons, E., Parsons, S. & Schoon, I. (2023) The relationship between maternal care experience and early child development: Evidence from the UK. CLS Working Paper 2023/2. London: UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies.

Lüftenegger, M., Daumiller, M., & Schoon, I. (2023). Navigating the Pandemic and Future Crises Insights From Developmental and Educational Psychology. Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie-Journal of Psychology, 231(3), 175-176.


Nunes, F., Matos, P. M., Ferreira, T., Schoon, I., & Mota, C. P. (2023). Ecological correlates of adolescents' sense of agency: Are there differences for boys and girls? Personality and Individual Differences, 214, 112354. doi:

Nunes, F., Mota, C. P., Ferreira, T., Schoon, I., & Matos, P. M. (2023). Stability and change in adolescents' sense of agency: Contributions of sex, multiple risk, pandemic stress, and sttachment to parents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. doi:10.1007/s10964-023-01766-x

Parsons, S., Fitzsimons, E., & Schoon, I. (2023). Intergenerational transmission of educational disadvantage: Education progression of children of care leavers compared to a general population sample. British Educational Research Journal. doi:10.1002/berj.3872

Parsons, S. & Schoon, I. (2023). Care leavers and children of care-leavers: employment, education and training (EET) disadvantages over the lifecourse.CLS Working Paper 2023/3. London: UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies.

Schoon, I., & Henseke, G. (2023). Navigating an uncertain future: How schools can support career adaptability of young people in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 231(3), 217–227.

Skinner, A. T., Kealy, C., Ranta, M., Benner, A. D., Menesini, E., & Schoon, I. (2023). Intra- and interpersonal factors and adolescent wellbeing during COVID-19 in three countries. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. doi:10.1111/spc3.12821

Symonds, J. E., D'Urso, G., & Schoon, I. (2023). The long-term benefits of adolescent school engagement for adult educational and employment outcomes. Developmental Psychology, 59(3), 503-514. doi:10.1037/dev0001458

 Thouin, E., Dupere, V., Denault, A. S., & Schoon, I. (2023). Beyond College for All: Portrait of Rapid and Successful School-to-Work Transitions Among Vulnerable Youth. Developmental Psychology. doi:10.1037/dev0001536



Bussemakers, C., Kraaykamp, G., Schoon, I., & Tolsma, J. (2022). Household dysfunction and child development: Do financial resources matter? Advances in Life Course Research, 51. doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100447

Gagne, T., Nandi, A., & Schoon, I. (2022). Time trend analysis of social inequalities in psychological distress among young adults before and during the pandemic: evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study COVID-19 waves. J Epidemiol Community Health, 76(5), 421-427. doi:10.1136/jech-2021-217266

Gagne, T., Sacker, A., & Schoon, I. (2022). Transition milestones and life satisfaction at ages 25/26 among cohorts born in 1970 and 1989-90. Advances in Life Course Research, 51. doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2022.100463

Gagne, T., Schoon, I., McMunn, A., & Sacker, A. (2022). Mental distress among young adults in Great Britain: long-term trends and early changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(6), 1261-1272. doi:10.1007/s00127-021-02194-7

Green, F., Henseke, G., & Schoon, I. (2022). Perceived effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on educational progress and the learning of job skills: new evidence on young adults in the United Kingdom. Journal of Education and Work, 35(5), 485-501. doi:10.1080/13639080.2022.2092608

Henseke, G., Green, F., & Schoon, I. (2022). Living with COVID-19: Subjective Well-Being in the Second Phase of the Pandemic. J Youth Adolesc, 51(9), 1679-1692. doi:10.1007/s10964-022-01648-8

Niessen, D., Wicht, A., Schoon, I., & Lechner, C. M. (2022). "You can't always get what you want": Prevalence, magnitude, and predictors of the aspiration-attainment gap after the school-to-work transition. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102091

Nunes, F., Mota, C. P., Ferreira, T., Schoon, I., & Matos, P. M. (2022). Parental Meta-Emotion, Attachment to Parents, and Personal Agency in Adolescents. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(6), 964-974. doi:10.1037/fam0000947

Nunes, F., Mota, C. P., Schoon, I., Ferreira, T., & Matos, P. M. (2022). Sense of personal agency in adolescence and young adulthood: A preliminary assessment model. Personality and Individual Differences, 196. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2022.111754

Parsons, S., & Schoon, I. (2022). Does the trauma associated with out-of-home care transmit across generations? Evidence from the 1970 British Cohort Study during a major health pandemic. Bmj Open, 12(4). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056736

Schoon, I., & Burger, K. (2022). Incongruence between parental and adolescent educational aspirations hinders academic attainment. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 13(4), 575-595. doi:10.1332/175795921x16324800210845

Schoon, I., Evans, K. (2022). Learning and Life Chances: Rethinking the Dynamics of Inequality and Opportunity. In: Evans, K., Lee, W.O., Markowitsch, J., Zukas, M. (eds) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

Schoon, I., & Henseke, G. (2022). Social Inequalities in Young People's Mental Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Do Psychosocial Resource Factors Matter? Frontiers in Public Health, 10, ARTN 820270. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.820270