Prof. Dr. Jonas Radl
Jonas Radl ist Associate Professor für Soziologie an der Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Seit März 2024 ist er WZB Gastforschungsprofessor zum Thema "Effort and Social Inequality" im Forschungschwerpunkt Dynamiken sozialer Ungleichheit. Vorher war er der Leiter der gleichnamigen WZB-Forschungsgruppe „Effort and Social Inequality” (2018-24). Das Projekt wurde durch ein Starting Grant des European Research Council (ERC) finanziert und war gleichzeitig am Instituto Carlos III Juan March (IC3JM) in Madrid angesiedelt. Das interdisziplinäre Projekt erforschte soziale Unterschiede im Anstrengungsverhalten zwischen Kindern verschiedener sozialer Herkunft.
Seit 2024 Gastforschungsprofessor, WZB
Seit 2021 Associate Professor (Profesor Titular), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2018-2024 Forschungsgruppenleiter, WZB
2015-2020 Associate Professor (tenured) und „Ramón y Cajal“ Fellow, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2015 Assistant Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2014 Postdoctoral Researcher, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2010-2014 Postdoctoral Researcher, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
2010 PhD in Social Sciences, European University Institute
2007 Master of Research, European University Institute
2006 Diplom in Soziologie, Freie Universität Berlin
2004-2005 Studentische Hilfskraft, Forschungsdatenzentrum der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV)
2001–2004 Studentische Hilfskraft, Institut für Soziologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften
Juan J. Fernández, Gema M. García Albacete, and Antonio M. Jaime Castillo & Jonas Radl (forthcoming): “Priming or Learning? The Influence of Pension Policy Information on Individual Preferences in Germany, Spain and the United States”, Journal of European Social Policy.
Radl, Jonas/Motala-Timol, Shaheen, and the GYA Women in Science Working Group (2022), "Barriers to diversity among young scientists around the globe: Examining discrimination and harassment at the workplace", In: Global Young Academy (Ed.). GYA Connections, Issue 10. Halle (Saale), Germany: Global Young Academy at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, 20-25.
Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth/Lancee, Bram/Larsen, Edvard Nergard/Polavieja, Javier G./Radl, Jonas/Yemane, Ruta (2021): "Gender Discrimination in Hiring. Evidence from a Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment". In: European Sociological Review, advance access, 27.10.2021, online:
Radl, Jonas & Juan J. Fernández (2021): “Pension policy literacy and retirement expectations. A cross-country survey experiment.”, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. Published online 4 September 2021.
Platt, Lucinda, Polavieja, Javier & Jonas Radl (2021): "Which Integration Policies Work? The Heterogeneous Impact of National Institutions on Immigrants’ Labor Market Attainment in Europe", International Migration Review, S. 1-32; Published online 2 August 2021.
Apascaritei, Paula, Simona Demel & Jonas Radl (2021): “The Difference Between Saying and Doing: Comparing Subjective and Objective Measures of Effort Among Fifth Graders”, American Behavioral Scientist, Published online March 3, 2021. Open Access:
Radl, Jonas & Luis Miller (2021): “Conceptual and Methodological Considerations on Effort: An Interdisciplinary Approach”, American Behavioral Scientist, Published online March 1, 2021. Open Access:
- Salazar, Leire, Héctor Cebolla-Boado & Jonas Radl (2019): “Educational Expectations in the Great Recession: Has the Impact of Family Background Become Stronger?”,Published online on 9 January 2019,Socio-Economic Review.
- Heisig, Jan Paul/Lancee, Bram/Radl, Jonas (2018): "Ethnic Inequality in Retirement Income. A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant-native Gaps in Western Europe". In: Ageing and Society, 38 (10): 1963-1994.
- Fernández-Reino, Mariña/Radl, Jonas/Ramos, María (2018): "Employment Outcomes of Ethnic Minorities in Spain. Towards Increasing Economic Incorporation among Immigrants and the Second Generation?". In: Social Inclusion, 6 (3): 48–63.
- Lössbroek, Jelle/Radl, Jonas (2018): "Teaching Older Workers New Tricks. Workplace Pactices and Gender Training Differences in Nine European Countries". In: Ageing and Society, 39(10): 2170-2193. Published online on 22 August 2018,
- Henkens, Kène; van Dalen, Harry; Ekerdt, David; Hershey, Douglas; Hyde, Martin; Radl, Jonas; van Solinge, Hanna; Wang, Mo; Zacher, Hannes (2017): “What We Need to Know about Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade”. Published online on 20 June 2017, The Gerontologist [Free Access Link].
- Heisig, Jan Paul,Bram Lancee. & Jonas Radl (2017): “Ethnic Inequality in Retirement Income: A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant-Native Gaps in Western Europe”, Ageing & Society. Published online on May 4, 2017. doi: [EconStor Download]
- Heisig, Jan Paul & Jonas Radl (2017): “Adding Scars to Wrinkles? Long-run Effects of Late-Career Job Loss on Retirement Behavior and Personal Income”, Work, Aging & Retirement, 3(3): 257–272 [free download]
- Radl, Jonas, Leire Salazar & Héctor Cebolla-Boado (2017): “Does Living in a Fatherless Household Compromise Educational Success? A Comparative Study of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills”,European Journal of Population, 33(2): 217-242 [Open Access], doi: 10.1007/s10680-017-9414-8.
- Cebolla-Boado, Héctor, Jonas Radl & Leire Salazar (2017): “Preschool Education as the Great Equalizer? A Cross-Country Study into the Sources of Inequality in Reading Competence”, Acta Sociologica, 60(1): 41–60.
- Ebbinghaus, Bernhard & Jonas Radl (2015): “Pushed Out Prematurely? Comparing Objectively Forced Exits and Subjective Assessments of Involuntary Retirement across Europe”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 41(September): 115–130, doi:10.1016/j.rssm.2015.04.001.
- Radl, Jonas & Ralf K. Himmelreicher (2015): “The Influence of Marital Status and Spousal Employment on Retirement Behavior in Germany and Spain”, Research on Aging, 37(4): 361–387. doi:10.1177/0164027514536403.
- Lancee, Bram & Jonas Radl (2014): “Volunteering over the Life Course”, Social Forces, 93(2): 833–862, doi:10.1093/sf/sou090. Download pdf.
- Bernardi, Fabrizio & Jonas Radl (2014): “The Long-Term Consequences of Parental Divorce for Children’s Educational Attainment”. Demographic Research, 30(Article 61): 1653–1680. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.61.
- Gerber, Theodore P. & Jonas Radl (2014): “Pushed, Pulled, or Blocked? The Elderly and the Labor Market in Post-Soviet Russia”. Social Science Research, 45(May): 152–169. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.12.006.
- Radl, Jonas (2013): “Labour Market Exit and Social Stratification in Western Europe: The Effects of Social Class and Gender on the Timing of Retirement”. European Sociological Review, 29(3): 654-668. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcs045.
- Radl, Jonas (2013): “Why do women in Spain retire later than men?” [“¿Por qué las mujeres en España se jubilan más tarde que los hombres?”]. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 142: 109-122. doi:10.5477/cis/reis.142.133.
- Radl, Jonas (2012): “Too Old to Work, or Too Young to Retire? The Pervasiveness of Age Norms in Western Europe”. Work, Employment & Society, 26(5): 755–771, doi: 10.1177/0950017012451644.
- Lancee, Bram & Jonas Radl (2012): “Social Connectedness and the Transition from Work to Retirement”. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 67(4), 481–490. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbs049 . download pdf
- Albertini, Marco & Jonas Radl (2012): “Intergenerational Transfers and Social Class: Inter-vivos Transfers as Means of Status Reproduction?”. Acta Sociologica, 55(2), 107–123. doi:10.1177/ draft version
- Radl, Jonas (2007): “Individuelle Determinanten des Renteneintrittsalters – Eine empirische Analyse von Übergängen in den Ruhestand”, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 36(1), 43–64. download pdf
Cebolla-Boado, Héctor, Jonas Radl & Leire Salazar (2014): Aprendizaje y ciclo vital: La desigualdad de oportunidades desde la educación preescolar hasta la edad adulta. Colección de Estudios Sociales, Núm. 39. Obra Social ”la Caixa”: Barcelona. [“la Caixa” Prize in Social Sciences]. Also available in English (Learning over the Life Course: Inequality of Opportunities in Education from Preschool to Adulthood) and Catalan (Aprenentatge i cicle vital. La desigualtat d’oportunitats des de la llar d’infants fins a l’edat adulta).
- Radl, Jonas (2013): Retirement Timing and Social Stratification: A Comparative Study of Labour Market Exit and Age Norms in Western Europe. London: Versita (De Gruyter Open).
- Requena, Miguel, Leire Salazar & Jonas Radl (2013): Estratificación social. Madrid: McGraw-Hill [Textbook on social stratification in Spanish].
- Radl, Jonas (2008): Die Sozialstruktur des Renteneintritts: Eine empirische Analyse des Übergangs in den Ruhestand zwischen Frühverrentung und Regelaltersrente. Saarbrücken: VDM.
Weitere Publikationen
Duvvury, Nata, Jonas Radl J, E.K. Sarter, Simona Scherger & Jeroen Spijker (2020): “Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A Conceptual Framework”. In: Áine Ní Leime, Jim Ogg, Martina Rašticová, Debra Street, Clary Krekula, MonikaBédiová & Ignacio Madero-Cabib (Eds.). Extended Working Life Policies. International Gender and Health Perspectives. Cham: Springer Open, 69-83.
Radl, Jonas (2019): "Die Auslese der Besten schafft keine Chancengleichheit". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 163, Sonderausgabe zu 50 Jahre WZB "in touch. Forschung und Gesellschaft", S. 24-26.
- Heisig, Jan Paul/Radl, Jonas (2019): Einmal raus, für immer gezeichnet? Wie sich Arbeitsplatzverluste auf die finanzielle Lage älterer Beschäftigter auswirken. WZBrief Arbeit 22/August 2019 22/August 2019. Berlin: WZB.
- Radl, Jonas (2007): “Individuelle Determinanten des Renteneintrittsalters”, Wirtschaft und Statistik, 5/2007, 511–520. download pdf
- Radl, Jonas (2006): “Pfade in den Ruhestand und die Heterogenität des Renteneintrittsalters – Eine Analyse auf Datenbasis des Scientific Use Files Versichertenrentenzugang 2004 des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Rentenversicherung”,Deutsche Rentenversicherung, 9-10/2006, 641–660. download pdf