Prof. Dr. Max Schaub

Photo Max Schaub
Anjula Schaub


+49 30 25491 452
max.schaub [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
B 411

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Anjula Schaub

Max Schaub ist Juniorprofessor für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg.  Sein Forschungsinteresse gilt der Wechselwirkung zwischen Gewalt, Migration und Gesundheit, und deren sozio-politischen Konsequenzen. Er promovierte im Jahr 2016 am Europäischen Hochschulinstitut Florenz (EUI). Zwischen 2018 und 2021 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Migration, Integration und Transnationalisierung. Weitere Informationen finden sich auf seiner Webseite

Ausgewählte Publikationen

“Mass Emigration and the Erosion of Liberal Democracy.” International Studies Quarterly 68, no. 2 (June 1, 2024): sqae026.
“Rebel Recruitment and Migration: Theory and Evidence From Southern Senegal.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 67, no. 6 (July 1, 2023): 1155–82.

"Financial Hardship and Voter Turnout: Theory and Evidence from the Sequence of Bank Working Days" (2021). American Political Science Review, 115(4): 1258–1274.
"Strangers in Hostile Lands: Exposure to Refugees and Right-Wing Support in Germany’s Eastern Regions." (2021). Comparative Political Studies, 54(3-4): 686-717 (with J. Gereke and D. Baldassarri).
"Voter mobilization in the echo chamber: Broadband internet and the rise of populism in Europe.” (2020). European Journal of Political Research, 59(4) 752–773 (with D. Morisi).
"Does poverty undermine cooperation in multiethnic settings?" (2020). Journal of Experimental Political Science, 7(1): 27-40 (with J. Gereke and D. Baldassarri).
"Ethnic Riots and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan.” (2019). American Political Science Review, 113(4): 1029–1044 (with A. Hager and K. Krakowski).
"Threat and parochialism in intergroup relations: Lab-in-the-field evidence from rural Georgia." (2017). Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284 (1865).

"Second-order ethnic diversity: The spatial pattern of diversity, competition and cooperation in Africa." (2017). Political Geography, 59: 103–116.

"Lines across the desert: Mobile phone use and mobility in the context of trans-Saharan migration." (2012). Information Technology for Development, 18 (2): 126–144.