Nadia Steiber, Ph.D.
Ehemalige Gastwissenschaftlerin der Abteilung
9/2008 Gastaufenthalt in der Abteilung "Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt"
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Dieckhoff, Martina/Steiber, Nadia (2012): "Institutional Reforms and Age-graded Labour Market Inequalities in Europe". In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. 53, No. 2, S. 97-119.
Dieckhoff, Martina/Steiber, Nadia (2011): "A Re-assessment of Common Theoretical Approaches to Explain Gender Differences in Continuing Training Participation". In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 49, No. Suppl. 1, S. s135–s157. (Zuerst online publiziert 16. November 2010)
Dieckhoff, Martina/Steiber, Nadia (2009): In Search of Gender Differences in Access to Continuing Training. Is There a Gender Training Gap and if Yes, Why?. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2009-504. Berlin: WZB.