Prof. Dr. Steffen Huck

Portrait Foto Prof. Dr. Steffen Huck (David Ausserhofer)
David Ausserhofer


+49 30 25491 423
steffen.huck [at]
Natalia Linke
fon: +49 30 25491 420
fax: +49 30 25491 423
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
D 102

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David Ausserhofer


seit 2012 Direktor der Abteilung "Ökonomik des Wandels" am WZB

seit 2003 Professor für Ökonomie, University College London

2008 - 2011 Head of the Department of  Economics, University College London

2005 - 2008 Deputy Head of the Department of  Economics, University College London

2002 - 2003 Reader für Ökonomie, University College London

2000 - 2001 Senior Lecturer für Ökonomie, Royal Holloway

1998 - 1999 Forschungsstipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft

1995 - 1997 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

1993 - 1994 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main  

Ausgewählte Publikationen


Charitable giving by the poor: A field experiment in Kyrgysztan, Management Science, 2024, Vol. 70, 633-646 (with Maja Adena and Rustamdjan Hakimov).


How Trump triumphed: Multi-candidate primaries with buffoons, European Economic Review, 2023, Vol. 157, 104506 (with Micael Castanheira, Johannes Leutgeb and Andrew Schotter).

Discrimination, narratives, and family history: An experiment with Jordanian host and Syrian refugee children, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, Vol. 105, 1008-1016 (with Kai Barron, Heike Harmgart, Sebastian Schneider and Matthias Sutter).


Personalized fundraising: A field experiment on threshold matching of donations, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, Vol. 200, 1-20 (with Maja Adena).

Voluntary ‘donations’ versus reward-oriented ‘contributions’: Two experiments on framing in funding mechanisms, Experimental Economics, 2022, Vol. 25, 1399-1417, (with Maja Adena).

Discrimination, Narratives and Family History: An Experiment with Jordanian Host and Syrian Refugee Children, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021 (with Kai Barron, Heike Harmgart, Sebastian Schneider and Matthias Sutter).

The Standard Portfolio Choice Problem in Germany, Economic Journal, 2021, Vol. 131, 2413-2446 (with Christoph Breunig, Tobias Schmidt, and Georg Weizsäcker).

Online fundraising, self-image, and the long-term impact of ask avoidance, Management Science, 2020, Vol. 66, Iss. 2, 722-743 (with Maja Adena).

Payoff Information Hampers the Evolution of Cooperation, Nature Communications, 2017, Vol. 8, Article No. 15147, 1-5 (with Johannes Leutgeb and Ryan Oprea).

From imitation to collusion: Long-run learning in a low-information environment, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, Vol. 155, 185-205 (with Dan Friedman, Ryan Oprea, and Simon Weidenholzer).

Comparing charitable fundraising schemes: Evidence from a natural field experiment and a structural model, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2015, Vol. 7, 326-369 (withImran Rasul and Andrew Shephard).

Beliefs and actions in the trust game: Creating instrumental variables to estimate the causal effect, Games and Economic Behavior, 2014, Vol. 88, 298-309 (with Miguel A. Costa Gomes and Georg Weizsäcker).

Competition fosters trust, Games and Economic Behavior, 2012, Vol. 76, 195-209 (with Gabriele K. Lünser and Jean-Robert Tyran).

Deferred compensation in multi-period labor contracts: An experimental test of Lazear's Model, American Economic Review, 2011, Vol. 101, 819-843 (with Andrew Seltzer and Brian Wallace).