14. - 16. September 2022

Does Culture Matter for Integration? Empirical Patterns and Regulation of Difference

8th Annual Conference on Migration and Diversity - Attendance Event


Keynote speaker for the 2nd WZB Annual Address on Migration and Diversity is Richard D. Alba (CUNY Graduate Center).

Increasing global migration flows have brought about a parallel increase in cultural and religious diversity in receiving societies. As a result, conflicts actually or allegedly arising from cultural differences, including religious differences and those between immigrant minority and native majority populations, has become one of the most controversial issues of political discourse within receiving societies.

The role of culture in integration, assimilation, and incorporation processes, as they are variously called, and its repercussions for social cohesion and conflict have been examined by different disciplines of social science. Sociological and social-psychological perspectives have described patterns of cultural difference and investigated the fundamental social mechanisms at play in the integration of immigrants. Political science and legal scholarship have focused on the question of how cultural differences are regulated within various polities. Social science scholarship, therefore, offers the analytical tools to provide empirical answers to many of the questions implicitly underlying the polarized political debate surrounding immigration.

This multi-disciplinary conference on the role of culture in integration processes seeks to advance the analytical understanding of the role of culture and religion in shaping integration trajectories of immigrants and their descendants, the degree and the determinants of cultural assimilation, and the role of a receiving and sending society’s institutions in regulating cultural diversity arising from immigration. What is the relationship between different dimensions of cultural integration? What role does religion play? How does rejection by the mainstream, for example through discrimination and harassment, affect cultural integration outcomes? How do we measure integration outcomes in the first place? How are native majorities affected by these processes? How do states around the world accommodate, resist and regulate cultural diversity arising from immigration? What are the outcomes of such policies in terms of social cohesion and immigrant integration?


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The venue is wheelchair accessible. Please let Friederike Theilen-Kosch (friederike.theilen-kosch [at] wzb.eu) know if you need special assistance.