16. - 17. Juni 2022

Berlin Meeting on the Political Economy of Development

MoPED Workshop, June 16 -17, 2022


The Berlin Meeting on the Political Economy of Development (MoPED) brings together faculty and advanced graduate students in political science, economics, and other social science disciplines studying the political economy of development, broadly defined. The workshop involves in-depth discussions of papers and research designs that are circulated and read in advance, and is ideally suited for feedback on works-in-progress. Substantive topics covered on this year’s agenda include governance, corruption, misinformation, inter-group relations, migration, and security.

This event will be held in-person at the WZB and will not be recorded. If you would like to take part, please contact the organizers. Participation entails reading the papers submitted and offering feedback to the authors.

Alexandra Scacco: alex.scacco [at] wzb.eu
Nina McMurry:  nina.mcmurry [at] wzb.eu