Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022

Inequality and the Future of Labor

INSIGHTS policy debate - Attendance Event


The INSIGHTS policy debate on “Inequality and the Future of Labor” and the following welcome reception mark the start of the European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society 2022 in Berlin. Renowned experts will discuss the implications of the future of work on inequality. How is the future of labor affected by long-term trends, such as demographic change, digitalization and the climate crisis? What is the effect of the war in Ukraine and the new geopolitical situation? How will these trends affect inequality? What are the main challenges and potentials? Can public policy address the challenges and if yes how?

Nora Szech (professor at KIT Karlsruhe)
Jan Eeckout professor at UPF Barcelona)
Simon Jäger (professor at MIT and CEO of IZA)

Moderation by Ursula Weidenfeld (economics journalist).

The event is open for all and free of charge. Please note that the event will take place on-site at HU Berlin following the Covid rules and hygiene concept of HU Berlin.

The INSIGHTS project aims to support and promote the communication of research and to contribute to its transfer to the public. The WZB and the DIW Berlin have obtained project funding from the Leibniz Gemeinschaft for this purpose. INSIGHTS includes all Berlin School of Economics (BSE) institutions and the DIW Berlin.