Dr. Kriszta Kovács

© Martina Sander-Blanck


kriszta.kovacs [at] wzb.eu
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
E 105
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Forschungsprofessur


Kriszta Kovács ist seit Januar 2018 Senior Fellow im WZB Center for Global Constitutionalism. Davor lehrte sie an der ELTE Universität, UNESCO-Lehrstuhl für Menschenrechte, Budapest, und war PostDoc Research Fellow an der Universität Trento. Sie arbeitete mehr als zehn Jahre lang als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am ungarischen Verfassungsgericht und als Liaison Officer der Venedig-Kommission des Europarats.


September 2021-

Senior Research Fellow "Science Friction: Patterns, Causes and Effects of Academic Freedom Contestations", Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)"

September 2019-August 2021

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Center for Global Constitutionalism

January 2018-August 2019

Senior Researcher, Center for Global Constitutionalism
Managing Editor, Global Constitutionalism (Cambridge Journal)

Since 2013- (on research leave between January 2018-September 2021) Associate Professor, UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Program Director, International Human Rights Postgraduate Program, from June 2015 to September 2016 Vice-Dean of the ELTE University Faculty of Social Sciences, Budapest

2014-2016 Co-President, Joint Council on Constitutional Justice, Venice Commission

2013-2015 Postdoc Research Fellow, Project ‘Constitutional Politics in Post-Westphalian Europe’, University of Trento

1997-2013 Adviser (as of 2007 Senior Adviser), Constitutional Court of Hungary/Liaison Officer, Joint Council on Constitutional Justice, Venice Commission, Council of Europe

2002 Bucerius School on Global Governance, Hamburg

2000-2001 Visiting Research Fellow, Columbia University Law School, Human Rights Institute, NY

1998 Legal Clerkship in London (Interights, Cloisters Chambers) and in Budapest (Human Rights Information and Documentation Centre)

1996-1997 Founding Program Coordinator, Central European University Human Rights MA Program/Research Associate, Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest 

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Kovács, Kriszta (2023): "Identities, the Jurisprudence of Particularism and Possible Constitutional Challenges-An Introduction." In Kriszta Kovács (Ed.): The Jurisprudence of Particularism: National Identity Claims in Central Europe. Oxford: Hart, 1-30.

Baer, Susanne/Kovács, Kriszta/Vogel, Maya (2023): "Constitutionalism Today: The Prospects of the European Constitutional Community." In Kriszta Kovács (Ed.): The Jurisprudence of Particularism: National Identity Claims in Central Europe. Oxford: Hart, 187-208.

Kovács, Kriszta (2023): "Reconceptualising Constitutional Identity: The Case of Hungary." In Kriszta Kovács (Ed.): The Jurisprudence of Particularism: National Identity Claims in Central Europe. Oxford: Hart, 149-170.

Kriszta Kovács (Ed.): The Jurisprudence of Particularism: National Identity Claims in Central Europe. Oxford: Hart.

Kovács, Kriszta (2023): "Gegen Hetze, für die Autonomie der Universitäten." WZB Mitteilungen, Heft 179, 11-15. 

Kovács, Kriszta/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2023): "Review of András Sajó, Ruling by Cheating: Governance in Illiberal Democracy." International Journal of Constitutional Law, 20(5), 2074-2079.

Kovács, Kriszta (2023): "Facing the Shadows of the Past during Transitions." In Cheng-Yi Huang (Ed.): Constitutionalizing Transitional Justice: How Constitutions and Constitutional Courts Deal with Past Atrocity. London: Routledge, Chapter 2.

Kovács, Kriszta (2022): "In the Hands of a Populist Authoritarian." In Vladislava Stojanova/Stijn Smet (Eds.): Migrants' Rights, Populism and Legal Resilience in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 8.

Kovács, Kriszta (2022): "Constitutional or ethnocultural? National identity as a European legal concept" Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 8(1), S. 170-190.

Kovács, Kriszta (2022): "The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pretext for Expanding Power." In Joelle Grogan/Alice Donald (Eds.): Routledge Handbook of Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic. London: Routledge, Chapter 21. 

Kovács, Kriszta/Scheppele, Kim Lane (2021): "Rechtsstaat unter Druck. Ungarn, Polen und die Rolle der EU" Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 71(37), S. 32-39.

Kovács, Kriszta/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2021): "Od niedoskonałej demokracji do niekompletnej autokracji (From an Imperfect Democracy to an Incomplete Autocracy)". In Adam Czarnota/Michał Paździora/Michał Stambulski (Eds.): Nowy Konstytucjonalizm. Polityczność, tożsamość, sfera publiczna (New Constitutionalism. Politics, Identity, Public Sphere) Warsaw: Scholar, 175-207.

Kovács, Kriszta (2020): "People, Sovereignty and Citizenship" Statelessness & Citizenship Review, Vol. 2 No. 2, 389-394.

Kovács, Kriszta (2020): "Parliamentary Democracy by Default. Applying the European Convention on Human Rights to Presidential Elections and Referendums" Jus Cogens - A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics, 1-22.

Kovács, Kriszta (2020): "Democracy in Lockdown" Social Research. An International Quarterly, In Time of Plague: The History and Lethal Consequences of Epidemic Disease, Vol. 87 No. 2 (Summer 2020)

Kovács, Kriszta (2020): "Der Lockdown der Demokratie. Im Schatten der Pandemie baut Viktor Orbán den ungarischen Staat um" WZB Mitteilungen, 2020/168, 20-23.

Kovács, Kriszta (2020): "#Orbanistan. Democracy in lockdown" Public Seminar, 2020/4/7.

Kovács, Kriszta (2020): "Constitutional Continuity Disrupted". In: Margit Feischmidt/Balázs Majtényi (Eds.): The Rise of Populist Nationalism. Budapest/New York, NY: CEU Press, S. 11-43.

Kovács, Kriszta/Scheppele, Kim Lane (2019): "The Fragility of an Independent Judiciary: lessons from Hungary and Poland -- and the European Union" in Legal Change in Post-Communist States. Progress, Reversions, Explanations, eds. Peter H. Solomon, Kaja Gadowska, ibidem, Stuttgart, 2019, 55-96.

Kovács, Kriszta/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2019): “The Age of Constitutional Barbarism” VerfassungsBlog, 2019/9/7.

Wiener, Antje/Dunoff, L Jeffrey/Havercroft, Jonathan/Kumm, Mattias/Kovács, Kriszta (2019): "Global Constitutionalism as agora: Interdisciplinary encounters, cultural recognition and global diversity" Global Constitutionalism 8:1, 1-11.

Kovács, Kriszta (2019): "Can the European Union Save the Independent Judges?" LawLog, January 2019

Kovács, Kriszta (2018): "Das Ringen um Demokratie. Wie die EU die unabhängige Justiz in Polen und Ungarn retten will" (Übersetzung: Jasmin Rauch) WZB Mitteilungen, 2018/12, 74-75. 

Kovács, Kriszta/Kumm, Mattias/Steinbeis, Max/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2018): “Introduction: Constitutional Resilience and the German Grundgesetz” VerfassungsBlog, 2018/12/6.

Kovács, Kriszta/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2018): "Stând pe picioroange: interpretări folisofice ale Convenţiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului" in Preeminenţa Dreptului şi Controlul de Constituţionalitate Între Tradiţie şi Modernitate, Curtea Constituţională a României, Curtea Constituţională a Republicii Moldova, Bucureşti, Editura Hamangiu, 2018, 153-166.

Kovács, Kriszta/Scheppele, Kim Lane (2018): "The fragility of an independent judiciary: Lessons from Hungary and Poland - and the European Union" Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 51, No 3, 189-200.

Kovács, Kriszta (2018): "Human Rights Practice Review: Hungary", East European Yearbook on Human Rights (EEYHR), 2018/1.

Kovács, Kriszta (2018): “Changing Constitutional Identity via Amendment” in Constitutional Acceleration within the European Union and Beyond, ed. Paul Blokker, Routledge, 2018, 199-217.

Kovács, Kriszta/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2018): “Standing on Stilts: Philosophical Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights” in New Developments in Constitutional Law. Essays in honour of Andras Sajó (eds. Iulia Motoc, Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, Krzysztof Wojtyczek, Eleven, 2018, 239-258.

Kovács, Kriszta/Scheppele, Kim Lane (2017): “Hungary’s Post-Socialist Administrative Law Regimes” in Comparative Administrative Law, eds. Susan-Rose Ackerman, Peter L. Lindseth, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. 119-136. (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law series)

Kovács, Kriszta (2017): “State of Exception: Springtime for the Schmittian Thoughts?” Diritto & questioni pubbliche Vol. 17, 2017/2, 163-182.

Kovács, Kriszta (2017): “The Rise of Ethnocultural Constitutional Identity in the Jurisprudence of the East Central European Courts”, German Law Journal Vol 18, No 7, 2017, 1703-1720.

Kovács, Kriszta (2017): “Why Do We Need International Legal Standards for Constitutional Referendums?” VerfassungsBlog, 2017/7/20.

Kovács, Kriszta/Blokker, Paul (2015): “Unilateral Expansionism: Hungarian Citizenship and Franchise Politics and their Effects on the Hungarian-Romanian Relations” in Good Neighbourliness in the European Legal Context, eds. Dimitry Kochenov, Elena Basheska, Brill/Nijhoff, Leiden, 2015, 136-159.

Kovács, Kriszta/Körtvélyesi, Zsolt/Nagy, Aliz (2015): “Margins of Nationality. External Ethnic Citizenship and Non-Discrimination” in Perspectives on Federalism Vol. 7, (1)2015, 85-116.

Kovács, Kriszta/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2013): “Aufstieg und Krise. Wirkung der deutschen Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit auf Ungarn”, in Politik des Verfassungsrechts, Hg. Boulanger, Kranenpohl, Wrase, Nomos, Berlin, 2013, 308-332.

Kovács, Kriszta (2012): “Equality. The Missing Link”, in Constitution for a Disunited Nation. On Hungary’s 2011 Fundamental Law, ed. Gábor Attila Tóth, CEU Press, Budapest-New York, 2012, 171-195.

Kovács, Kriszta/Tóth, Gábor Attila (2011): “Hungary’s Constitutional Transformation”, 2011 European Constitutional Law Review 7, 183-203.