Prof. Liav Orgad

Portrait Foto Prof. Dr. Liav Orgad (privat)


Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
Visiting Research Professor
Ehemaliger Leiter der Visiting Research Professorship


Staatsbürgerschaftstheorie | Verfassungsidentität | Globale Migration | Internationales Recht | Europäisches Recht | Recht und neue Technologien

seit März 2017

Leiter der Projektgruppe “International Citizenship Law”, WZB Berlin

Direktor und Professor (Teilzeit), “Global Citizenship Governance
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute

Associate Professor, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy 
Reichman University, IDC Herzliya

Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence, Peking University School of Transnational Law

Core Faculty, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS)


Visiting Professor, Columbia Law School

2015 2016

Marie Curie Fellow, Faculty of Law, Freie Universität Berlin

Faculty Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University

Visiting Professor, FGV Direito Rio

2013 2014

Dahlem Research School Fellow, Center for Area Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute

Visiting Fellow, Center for Comparative Constitutional Law and Religion, University of Lucerne

2011 – 2012

Fulbright and Rothschild Fellow, Tikvah Center, NYU Law School

Assistant Professor, Radzyner School of Law, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya

2007 – 2010

Visiting Scholar/Researcher: Harvard Law School (2008 – 2009),
Columbia Law School (2007 – 2008), Roosevelt Academy (summer 2008)

Ausgewählte Grants und Stipendien

Fulbright, Jean-Monnet, Marie Curie, Rothschild, Russell Sage Presidential Authority Award, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, ISEF, DFG Emmy Noether Grant (1.2 million Euro, declined), ERC Starting Grant (1.5 million Euro)

Wissenschaftliche Mitgliedschaften

Young Academy of Europe (2017-2021)
Global Young Academy (2016-2020)
Global Young Faculty (2009-2011)


LLD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2011)
LLM, Columbia Law School (2007)
LLM, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2005)
LLB, BA, Reichman University, IDC)Herzliya

Ausgewählte Publikationen


Orgad, Liav, The Future of Citizenship: How Technology Shapes Membership and Belonging. Cambridge University Press (under contract, 2022).

Orgad, Liav, The Cultural Defense of Nations: A Liberal Theory of Majority Rights. Oxford University Press (2016).


Majorities, Minorities, and the Future of Nationhood, Liav Orgad/Ruud Koopmans (Eds.) Cambridge University Press (forthcoming, 2022).

“Constitutional Identity in the Age of Global Migration: Special Issue,” Jurgen Bast/Liav Orgad (Eds.), 18(7) German Law Journal (2017). Cambridge University Press.


Orgad, Liav/Reijers, Wessel, “How to Make the Perfect Citizen? Lessons from China’s Model of Social Credit System,” Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2021).

Orgad, Liav, “When Is Immigration Selection Discriminatory?” American Journal of International Law Unbound (2021).

Orgad, Liav, “Forced to be Free: The Limit of European Tolerance,” 34 Harvard Human Rights Journal 1 (2021).

Orgad, Liav: “The Citizen-Makers: Ethical Dilemmas in Immigrant Integration“, 25(6) European Law Journal 524 (2019).

Cloud Communities: The Dawn of Global Citizenship? Liav Orgad/Rainer Bauböck (Eds.), European University Institute, RSCAS 2018/28 (2018).

Orgad, Liav, “Naturalization,” in Oxford Handbook of Citizenship (Ayelet Shachar/Rainer Bauböck/Maarten Vink/Irene Bloemraad (Eds.), Oxford University Press (2017).

Orgad, Liav “Liberalism, Allegiance, and Obedience: The Inappropriateness of Loyalty Oaths in A Liberal Democracy,” 17(1) Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 99 (2014). Cambridge University Press.

Hasisi, Badi/Margalioth, Yoram/Orgad, Liav, “Ethnic Profiling in Airport Screening: Lessons from Israel, 1968-2010,” 14(2) American Law & Economics Review 1 (2012). Oxford University Press.

Orgad, Liav “The Preamble in Constitutional Interpretation,” 8(4) International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-CON) 714 (2011). Oxford University Press.

Orgad, Liav, “The Citizenship Puzzle,” 59(2) American Journal of Comparative Law 594 (2011). Oxford University Press.

Orgad, Liav “Creating New Americans: The Essence of Americanism under the Citizenship Test,” 47(5) Houston Law Review 1227 (2011).

Orgad, Liav “Illiberal Liberalism: Cultural Restrictions on Migration and Access to Citizenship in Europe,” 58(1) American Journal of Comparative Law 53 (2010). Oxford University Press.



Majority and Minority Rights
Head: Prof. Dr. Liav Orgad, Prof. Dr. Ruud Koopmans
Duration: 2017 – 2022
Funding: ERC Starting Grant

Citizenship Narratives
Head: Prof. Dr. Liav Orgad
Duration: 2017 – 2022
Funding: ERC Starting Grant

Citizenship and Governance in the European Union
Head: Prof. Dr. Liav Orgad
Duration: 2017 – 2022
Funding: ERC Starting Grant

Global Naturalization
Head: Prof. Dr. Liav Orgad
Duration: 2017 2022
Funding: ERC Starting Grant

Global Citizenship and Technology
Head: Prof. Dr. Liav Orgad
Duration: 2017 - 2022
Funding: ERC Starting Grant