Prof. Dr. Mattias Kumm, S.J.D. (Harvard)
Seit 08 2010 Forschungsprofessur “Global Constitutionalism” am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung und S-Professur "Rule of Law in the Age of Globalization" an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
01 2012 bis 12 2021 Geschäftsführender Leiter des Center for Global Constitutionalism (früher "Rule of Law Center", Nachfolge Gunnar Folke Schuppert)
Seit 06 2000 Professur an der New York University School of Law (ab 2010 nur im Fall Semester): Europarecht, Internationales Recht, Vergleichendes Verfassungsrecht und Rechtsphilosophie Berufungen 2000 Assistant Professor of Law 2003 Associate Professor of Law 2006 Professor of Law (Tenure) 2011 Inge Rennert Professor of Law Sonstige Appointments: 2001-2005: Direktor des Doktorandenprogramms 2004 - 2010: Direktor des LL.M.- J.S.D. Program in International and Comparative Law
2000 Berufungen: Cornell Law School, Pennsylvania Law School, Texas Law School, und NYU School of Law
Seit 2000 Verschiedene Gastprofessuren, Lectureships u.a.: Yale Law School, Florence Rogatz Visiting Professor of Law (Herbst 2014) European University Institute (Herbst 2012) Harvard Law School, Visiting Professor of Law and John Harvey Gregory Lecturer on World Organization (Herbst 2009) National University of Singapore (Sommer 2007/2008) Bucerius Law School, Commerzbank Visiting Professor of Law (Herbst 2003) University of Navarra (2006/2007/2008) Central European University (2007) Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy - Tufts University (1999/2000)
1997 - 2000 Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Programm Titel der Dissertation: “Policing the Leviathan: Constitutional Democracy, National Courts and the Enforcement of Supranational Law”.
Emile Noelle Fellow (1998), Ethics Fellow (Kennedy School of Government 1999/2000), Verschiedene Stipendien und Preise
1994/95 und 1996/97 Referendariat in Kiel & Hamburg & 2. Jur. Staatsexamen
1995/1996 Harvard Law School, LL.M. Programm; New York Bar Exam
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Kumm, Mattias (2009): "The Cosmopolitan Turn in Constitutionalism: On the Relationship Between Constitutionalism in and Beyond the State". In: "Ruling the World? International Law, Global Governance, Constitutionalism", hg. v. J. L. Dunoff /J. P. Trachtman, Cambridge 2009, 258 – 326
Constitutional Authority and Constitutional Conflict in Europe
(book project under contract with OUP)
Global Constitutionalism and its Enemies
On the legal structure of 21st century political conflicts (book project)
On the Theory and History of Human Rights (various articles)