Dr. Tine Hanrieder
seit 09/2020 Assistant Professor in Health and International Development, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
seit 01/2017 Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe Globale humanitäre Medizin, WZB
03/2019 - 05/2019 Gastforscherin, Northwestern University, USA
11/2016−12/2016 Gastforscherin, Cermes3 Paris, Frankreich
10/2015−01/2016 WZB Sydney Merit Fellow, Sydney Democracy Network, University of Sydney
04/2014−12/2016 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Abteilung Global Governance, WZB
2009−2014 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Global Governance und Public Policy, Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, LMU München
2012 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol., Universität Bremen/Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)
2007 Magister Artium Politikwissenschaft und Philosophie, Universität Tübingen
09/2004−07/2005 Master Auslandsjahr, Institut d’Études Politiques (Sciences Po) Paris
04/2001−09/2002 Grundstudium Politikwissenschaft, Geschichte und Philosophie, Universität Passau
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Aue, Luis und Hanrieder, Tine (2023): The quest for diffusible community health worker projects and the pitfalls of scaling culture. Critical Public Health 26 May 2023.
Eckl, Julian und Hanrieder, Tine 2023: The political economy of consulting firms in reform processes: the case of the World Health Organization, in: Review of International Political Economy 10. Januar.
Hanrieder, Tine und Claire Galesne (2021): Domestic Humanitarianism: the Mission France of Médecins Sans Frontières and Médecins du Monde, in: Third World Quarterly online first: 10 May.
Hanrieder, Tine und Eloisa Montt Maray (2021): Digitalizing Community Health Work: A Struggle over the Values of Global Health Policy, in: Historical Social Research 46:1, 136-159 (doi: 10.12759/hsr.46.2021.1.136-159).
Hanrieder, Tine (2020): Priorities, Partners, Politics: The WHO's Mandate beyond the Crisis, in: Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 26:4, 534-543.
Hanrieder, Tine (2020): "Das globale Unten: Die Konstruktion eines globalen medizinischen Südens in den USA", in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 27:1, 110-120.
Hanrieder, Tine (2020): "The Politics of Intergovernmental Organizations in Global Health", in: Colin McInnes/Kelley Lee/Jeremy Youde (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, S. 347-365.
Hanrieder, Tine (2019): How Do Professions Globalize? Lessons from the Global South in US Medical Education, in: International Political Sociology 13:3, 296-314.
Hanrieder, Tine & Adam Kamradt-Scott 2017: Introduction: Same, Same but Different: Reforming the WHO in an Age of Public Scrutiny and Global Complexity, in: Global Health Governance, special issue: Reform of the World Health Organization, eds. Tine Hanrieder & Adam Kamradt-Scott.
Hanrieder, Tine 2017: The Public Valuation of Religion in Global Health Governance: Spiritual Health and the Faith Factor, in: Contemporary Politics 23:1, 81-99.
Hanrieder, Tine & Michael Zürn 2017: Reactive Sequences in Global Health Governance, in: International Politics and Institutions in Time, ed. Orfeo Fioretos, Oxford University Press, 93-116.
Hanrieder, Tine 2016: Orders of Worth and the Moral Conceptions of Health in Global Politics, in: International Theory 8: 3, 390-421.
Hanrieder, Tine 2015: International Organization in Time: Fragmentation and Reform. Oxford University Press.
Hanrieder, Tine 2015: The Path Dependent Design of International Organizations: Federalism in the World Health Organization, in: European Journal of International Relations 21:1, 215-239.
Hanrieder, Tine 2015: WHO Orchestrates? Coping with Competitors in Global Health, in: International Organizations as Orchestrators, eds. Kenneth W. Abbott, Philipp Genschel, Duncan Snidal & Bernhard Zangl. Cambridge University Press, pp. 191-213.
Hanrieder, Tine & Christian Kreuder-Sonnen 2014: WHO Decides on the Exception? Securitization and Emergency Governance in Global Health, in: Security Dialogue 45:5, 331-348.
Hanrieder, Tine 2014: Gradual Change in International Organizations: Agency Theory and Historical Institutionalism, in: Politics 34:4, 324-333.
Hanrieder, Tine 2014: Local Orders in International Organizations: The World Health Organization's Global Programme on AIDS, in: Journal of International Relations and Development 17:2: 220-241.
Hanrieder, Tine 2011: The False Promise of the Better Argument (© Cambridge University Press), in: International Theory 3:3, 390-415.
Hanrieder, Tine 2008: Moralische Argumente in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Grenzen einer verständigungstheoretischen "Erklärung" moralischer Debatten, in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 15:2, 161-186.