Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2015

The Sacred Canopy: The University's Expanding Cultural Content.

Lecture by David John Frank

The university as an institution has prospered to an astonishing extent over the last hundred years, and especially over the last half century. It has grown in numbers and reach and scope, and it has spread worldwide. In his talk, David J. Frank will review the university’s sweeping expansion, focusing particularly on the institution's growing curriculum and its cultural domination in contemporary society.

David John Frank is Professor of Sociology and Courtesy Professor of Education and Political Science at the University of California, Irvine. He studies changes in the cultural infrastructure of world society, with special focus on global environmental protection, the university and the knowledge society, and the criminal regulation of sex. He holds degrees in sociology from Stanford and the University of Chicago. Before coming to Irvine in 2002, he was on the faculty at Harvard University.

Organized by the Research Group Science Policy Studies.