
Working Papers

Behavioral Forces Driving Information Unraveling
Volker Benndorf, Dorothea Kübler, Hans Theo-Normann

The Endowment Effect in the General Population
Dietmar Fehr and Dorothea Kübler

Repugnant transactions: The role of agency and extreme consequences
Hande Erkut and Dorothea Kübler

Fairness in Matching Markets: Experimental Evidence
Tobias König, Lydia Mechtenberg, Dorothea Kübler, Renke Schmacker

Articles in Refereed Journals

Fairness in Markets and Market Experiments: Insights from a Field-plus-Lab Study and a Failed Replication
Dirk Engelmann, Dorothea Kübler and Jana Friedrichsen
Scandinavian Journal of Economics Published Online: May 6, 2024.

Hiring Algorithms: Transparency, Gender profiling, and Self-confidence
Marie-Pierre Dargnies, Rustamdjan Hakimov, and Dorothea Kübler
Management Science Published Online: June 19, 2024. 

Betting on Diversity – Occupational Segregation and Gender Stereotypes
Urs Fischbacher, Dorothea Kübler, and Robert Stüber
Management Science Published Online: October 5, 2023.

Costly Information Acquisition in Centralized Matching Markets
Rustamdjan Hakimov, Dorothea Kübler, and Siqi Pan
Quantitative Economics 14(4), 1447-1490, 2023

Do Legal Standards Affect Ethical Concerns of Consumers?
David Danz, Dirk Engelmann and Dorothea Kübler
European Economic Review 144, 104044, 2022

Preference Discovery in University Admissions: The Case for Dynamic Multi-offer Mechanisms
Julien Grenet, YingHua He and Dorothea Kübler
Journal of Political Economy 130(6), 1427-1476, 2022

Peer Effects of Ambition
Philipp Albert, Dorothea Kübler and Juliana Silva-Goncalves
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 193, 161-195, 2021

How Lotteries in School Choice Help to Level the Playing Field
Christian Basteck, Bettina Klaus and Dorothea Kübler
Games and Economic Behavior, 129, 198-237, 2021

How to Avoid Black Markets for Appointments with Online Booking Systems
Rustamdjan Hakimov, C.-Philipp Heller, Dorothea Kübler and Morimitsu Kurino
American Economic Review,111(7), 2127-51, 2021
YouTube Clip, IPP Note (in French)

Experiments on Centralized School Choice and College Admissions: A Survey
Rustamdjan Hakimov and Dorothea Kübler
Experimental Economics 24, 434–488 (2021), abrufbar hier
Previous Version: Experiments on Matching Markets

Take Your Time to Grow: A Field Experiment on the Hiring of Youths in Germany
Dorothea Kübler, Julia Schmid and Robert Stüber
German Economic Review, 20(4), e706-e729, 2019, Presse: DLF

Gender Discrimination in Hiring across Occupations: A Nationally-Representative Vignette Study
Dorothea Kübler, Julia Schmid and Robert Stüber
Labour Economics, 55, 215-229, 2018, Presse: Der Freitag, FAZ

Flipping a Coin: Evidence from University Applications
Nadja Dwenger, Dorothea Kübler and Georg Weizsäcker
Journal of Public Economics, 167, 240-250, 2018

Self-confidence and unraveling in matching markets
Marie-Pierre Dargnies, Rustamdjan Hakimov and Dorothea Kübler
Management Science, 65 (12), 5449-5956, 2019

College Admissions with Entrance Exams: Centralized versus Decentralized
Isa E. Hafalir, Rustamdjan Hakimov, Dorothea Kübler and Morimitsu Kurino
Journal of Economic Theory, 176, 886-934, 2018

Clean up your own mess: An experimental study of moral responsibility and efficiency
Michael Jakob, Dorothea Kübler, Jan Christoph Steckel and Roel van Veldhuizen
Journal of Public Economics, 155, 138146, 2017. Online Appendix. Data Files, Presse: F.A.Z., F.A.Z.

Depth of Reasoning and Information Revelation: An Experiment on the Distribution of k-Levels
Volker Benndorf, Dorothea Kübler and Hans-Theo Normann
International Game Theory Review, 19(4), 2017

The Willingness to Pay-Willingness to Accept Gap: A Failed Replication of Plott and Zeiler
Dietmar Fehr, Rustamdjan Hakimov and Dorothea Kübler
European Economic Review 78, 120128, 2015

Privacy Concerns, Voluntary Disclosure of Information, and Unraveling: An Experiment
Volker Benndorf, Dorothea Kübler and Hans-Theo Normann
European Economic Review 75, 4359, 2015

On the failure of hindsight-biased principals to delegate optimally
David Danz, Dorothea Kübler, Lydia Mechtenberg and Julia Schmid
Management Science 61(8), 19381959, 2015, Presse: F.A.S.

Implementing quotas in university admissions:
An experimental analysis

Sebastian Braun, Nadja Dwenger, Dorothea Kübler and Alexander Westkamp
Games and Economic Behavior 85, 232–251, 2014

Why votes have value: Instumental voting with overconfidence and overestimation of others' errors
Ingolf Dittmann, Dorothea Kübler, Ernst Maug, Lydia Mechtenberg
Games and Economic Behavior 84, 17–38, 2014

Price versus privacy: an experiment into the competitive advantage of collecting less personal information
Alastair R. Beresford, Dorothea Kübler and Sören Preibusch Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 13, Issue 4, 423–455, 2013

Social Norms and Economic Incentives in Firms
Steffen Huck, Dorothea Kübler and Jörgen Weibull
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 83, Issue 2, 173–185, 2012

Unwillingness to Pay for Privacy: A Field Experiment
Alastair R. Beresford, Dorothea Kübler and Sören Preibusch
Experiment Instructions and Order Forms
Economics Letters 117, 2527, 2012, Presse: Chrismon, Handelsblatt, Die Zeit

Information and Beliefs in a Repeated Normal-form Game
Dietmar Fehr, Dorothea Kübler, David Danz
Experimental Economics, Vol. 15; issue 4 (2012), 622640

Gender Differences in Team Work and Team Competition
Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel and Dorothea Kübler
Journal of Economic Psychology 32,797808, 2011

Telling the Truth May Not Pay Off: An Empirical Study of Centralised University Admissions in Germany
Sebastian Braun, Nadja Dwenger and Dorothea Kübler
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 10: 1 (Advances), Article 22, 2010, Presse: Uni Spiegel

Job Market Signaling and Screening: An Experimental Comparison
Dorothea Kübler, Wieland Müller und Hans-Theo Normann
Games and Economic Behavior 64, 219236, 2008

Are longer cascades more stable?
Dorothea Kübler und Georg Weizsäcker
Journal of the European Economic Association 3, 330339, 2005

Compensating the Cooperators: Is Sorting in the Prisoner's Dilemma Possible?
Iris Bohnet und Dorothea Kübler
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization 56, 6176, 2005

Limited Depth of Reasoning and Failure of Cascade Formation in the Laboratory
Dorothea Kübler und Georg Weizsäcker
Review of Economic Studies 71, 425442, 2004

Long-Term Work Contracts versus Sequential Spot Markets: Experimental Evidence on Firm-Specific Investment
Vital Anderhub, Manfred Königstein und Dorothea Kübler
Labour Economics 10, 407425, 2003

Information Cascades in the Labor Market
Dorothea Kübler und Georg Weizsäcker
Journal of Economics 80, 211229, 2003

Simultaneous and Sequential Price Competition on Heterogeneous Duopoly Markets: Experimental Evidence
Dorothea Kübler und Wieland Müller
International Journal of Industrial Organization 20, 14371460, 2002

Who Benefits from Workers with General Skills? Countervailing Incentives in Labour Contracts
Dorothea Kübler
Metroeconomica 53, 290314, 2002

On the Regulation of Social Norms
Dorothea Kübler
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 17, 449476, 2001

Social Pressure, Uncertainty and Cooperation
Steffen Huck und Dorothea Kübler
Economics of Governance 1, 199212, 2000

Rationales Herdenverhalten und Stigma der Arbeitslosigkeit: Soziales Lernen bei Einstellungsentscheidungen
Dorothea Kübler
Industrielle Beziehungen (Industrial Relations) 7, 368384, 2000

Coexistence of Public and Private Job Agencies: Screening with Heterogeneous Institutions?
Dorothea Kübler
Public Choice 101, 85107, 1999

Auctioning Off Labour Contracts: Legal Restrictions Reconsidered
Dorothea Kübler
International Review of Law and Economics 17, 6374, 1997

Other Publications

Corona und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen - Schlaglichter aus der WZB-Forschung
Dorothea Kübler: Alt gegen Jung - Was Klima- und Coronakrise gemeinsam haben
31. März 2020
Rustamdjan Hakimov, Dorothea Kübler: Appointments for vaccinations – restoring fairness and avoiding black markets [in English]
27. Januar 2021

Marktdesign und die Verteilung von Impfstoff
Dorothea Kübler, 2021
Wirtschaftsdienst 2021/8: 597-600

Überkreuznierenspenden in Deutschland?
Dorothea Kübler und Axel Ockenfels, 2020
Medizinrecht 38, 89–94, 2020

University Admission Practices - Germany, MiP Country Profile 29
Accessible at

Von Schulplätzen, Spendernieren und anderen knappen Gütern: Gerechtigkeit ohne Geld
In Zeitenwende: Kurze Antworten auf große Fragen der Gegenwart
Jutta Allmendinger, Otfried Jarren, Christine Kaufmann, Hanspeter Kriesi, und Dorothea Kübler (eds).
Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich, 2019

Geschlechtergerechtigkeit: Viel erreicht und weit entfernt
(with Jutta Allmendinger) 
In: Zeitenwende: Kurze Antworten auf große Fragen der Gegenwart
Jutta Allmendinger, Otfried Jarren, Christine Kaufmann, Hanspeter Kriesi, und Dorothea Kübler (eds).
Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich, 2019

Stellungnahme zu Antrag 'Chancen von altruistischen Organlebendspenden nutzen - Spenden erleichtern'
Deutscher Bundestag, January 2019

Stabile Allokationen und Matching-Märkte
Zum Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an Lloyd S. Shapley und Alvin E. Roth.
Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 92, Heft 12,  S. 843847, 2012

Hochschulzulassungen in Deutschland: Wem hilft die Reform durch das "Dialogorientierte Serviceverfahren"?
(mit Frank Hüber) 
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Bd. 12, Heft 4, S. 430444, 2012

Warum das neue Verfahren für die Vergabe von Studienplätzen bald kommen sollte
(mit Frank Hüber)
WZB-Brief, April 2011

Der Teufel steckt im Detail, nicht im Losverfahren Berlins Reform des Schulzugangs könnte mehr Gerechtigkeit schaffen
WZB-Brief, August 2009

Die Ratio im Blick
WZB-Brief, August 2009

Zur Einführung: Recht und Sozialwissenschaften – Herausforderungen und Chancen der Verhaltensökonomie
(with Friedrich Kübler)
Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft, Jg. 90 (1/2), S.94–103, 2007

Handbuch der Politischen Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie.
S. Gosepath, W. Hinsch, B. Rössler (Hg.), de Gruyter: Berlin/New York, im Erscheinen

Investitionsanreize bei kurzfristigen Verträgen: Karrieresorgen und firmenspezifisches Humankapital
Ökonomische Analyse des Arbeitsrechts. Claus Ott und Hans-Bernd Schäfer (eds.)
Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, p. 244–271, 2001

Three Essays on Adverse Selection and Labor Contracts
Shaker Verlag Aachen, 1997

Moralökonomie versus Mikroökonomie: Zwei Erklärungsansätze bäuerlichen Wirtschaftens im Vergleich
Marin Trenk and Dieter Weiss (eds.), 1990, Das Arabische Buch Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin