Ukraine Blog  Veranstaltungsseite
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Dienstag, 15. März 2022

Social Science Perspectives on War

WZB Discussion

The war in Ukraine has the world on edge. In order to understand the causes and consequences of the Russian invasion, scientific and intellectual analyses are needed.

In an online event on 15 March, leading researchers of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center will shed light on the armed conflict and its implications from a social science perspective. Which factors led to the war and what role did Western countries play in it? What are the consequences for the world order? Which actions and policies are needed to tackle the situation?

The event will be opened with short inputs by Edgar Grande, Ruud Koopmans, Yasemin Soysal, and Bernhard Weßels, followed by a panel debate with Mattias KummDaniel Ziblatt, and Michael Zürn. Jelena Cupać, research fellow of the Global Governance research unit, will moderate the discussion.

After a welcome address by WZB President Jutta Allmendinger WZB staff member Zhanna Mylogorodska will share her insights on the response in Berlin to the war.