Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

Description and Comparison in Models of Educational Attainment and Educational Careers

Presentation by Richard Breen (Yale University) at the CO:STA Colloquium

The presentation by Prof. Richard Breen focuses on statistical problems in comparing logit coefficients over nested models and discusses possible solutions.

Kristian Bernt Karlson, Anders Holm, and Richard Breen (2010) 'Comparing Regression Coefficients Between Models using Logit and Probit: A New Method', Working Paper

Kohler, Ulrich, Kristian Bernt Karlson and Anders Holm (2011): Comparing coefficients of nested nonlinear probability models. The Stata Journal. Volume 11 Number 3: pp. 420-438

See also the Stata ado that implements the solutions discussed during this session.