Sigurt Vitols Publikationen (Auswahl)
Die eigene Stärke erkennen", Handelsblatt v. 6.12.2005-11, PDF
German Corporate Governance in Transition: Implications of Bank Exit from Monitoring and Control, in: International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 2 (4): 357 - 367, PDF
"National Institutions and High Tech Industries: A Varieties of Capitalism Perspective on the Failure of Germany's "Neuer Markt", WZB-Discussion Paper SP II 2005 -03, Berlin: WZB February 2005 (with Lutz Engelhardt), PDF
Changes in Germany's Bank-Based Financial System: Implications for Corporate Governance, in: Corporate Governance: An International Review 13(3): 386 - 396, PDF
"Globalization and the Transformation of the German Model" 398 - 407 in Geoffrey Underhill, (ed.) , Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press, 2005, PDF
"Frankfurt's Neuer Markt and the IPO Explosion: Is Germany on the Road to Silicon Valley?, in: T. Clarke, (ed.) , Corporate Governance: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management. Vol. III: European Corporate Governance. London and New York: Routledge. Reprinted article from Economy and Society, 246-258, PDF
Investitionshindernis als Drohkulisse", Die Mitbestimmung, 12/04-46-49, PDF
Continuity and Change: Making Sense of the German Model, Competition and Change 8 (4): 331-338, PDF
Negotiated Shareholder Value: The German Variant of an Anglo-American Practice, in: Competition and Change 8(4): 357-374, PDF
Editor, "Made in Germany: The Transformation of the German Model?, in: Special Issue of the Journal Competition and Change, Vol. 8, Nr. 4
Changes in Germany's Bank-Based Financial System: A Varieties of Capitalism Perspective", WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2004 – 03, Berlin: WZB, 2004, PDF
Varieties of Capitalism and Pension Reform: Will the Riester Rente Transform the German Coordinated Market Economy?, in: Focus on Austria: Quarterly Bulletin of the Österreichische Nationalbank, 2003(2): 102-108, PDF
Varieties of Capitalism und Pensionsreform: Wird die Riester-Rente Deutschlands koordinierte Marktwirtschaft transformieren?", Berichte und Studien der Österreichische Nationalbank 2/2003-174-181, PDF
"From Banks to Markets: The Political Economy of Liberalization of the German and Japanese Financial Systems, in: Yamamura and Streeck, (eds.) , The End of Diversity? Prospects of Germans and Japanese Capitalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003, PDF. (An earlier version of this article is available for downloading as a WZB discussion paper!)
Viele Wege nach Rom: Die Umstrukturierung der deutschen chemischen-pharmazeutischen Industrie, in: Wolfgang Streeck und Martin Höpner, (eds.) , Alle Macht dem Markt? Fallstudien zur Abwicklung der Deutschland AG, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 2003, PDF
"Verhandelter Shareholder Value: die deutsche Variante einer angloamerikanischen Praxis, in: Jürgen Beyer, (ed.) , Vom Zukunfts- zum Auslaufmodell? Die deutsche Wirtschaftsordnung im Wandel. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 133-154, PDF
Negotiated Shareholder Value: The German Version of an Anglo-American Practice, in: WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2003 - 25, Berlin: WZB, 2003, PDF
Changes in German Finance: Introducing More "Market, in: Into A Bank-Based System", INTEC Working Paper No. 03-29, United Nations University: Maastricht, PDF
Management Cultures in Europe: European Works Councils and Human Resource Management in Multinational Enterprises. May 2003, Düsseldorf: Forum Mitbestimmung und Unternehmen, PDF
"The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship? The Results of a Study on the Relationship Between Management and EWCs, in: Mitbestimmung International Edition (8/2003)-24-27, PDF
Konflikt oder Annäherung: Corporate Governance in Deutschland. WZB Mitteilungen Nr. 100, June 2003-41-44, PDF
Shareholder Value, Management Culture and Production Regimes in the Transformation of the German Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry, in: Competition and Change, 2002, 6(3): 309-325, PDF
Financial Systems and Industrial Finance, in: J. Rogers Hollingsworth, Karl Mueller, and Ellen Jane Hollingsworth, (eds.) , Advancing Socio-Economics in Institutional Analysis. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 307-330.
Risse in der Glitzerfassade, in: Mitbestimmung, November 11/2002-20-23, PDF
"Frankfurt's Neuer Markt and the IPO Explosion: Is Germany on the Road to Silicon Valley?, in: Economy and Society, 2001, 30(4): 553-564, PDF
“The Origins of Bank-Based and Market-Based Financial Systems: Germany, Japan, and the United States, in: Wolfgang Streeck and Kozo Yamamura, (eds.) , The Origins of Nonliberal Capitalism: Germany and Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 171-99, PDF
Varieties of Corporate Governance: Comparing Germany and the UK, in: Peter A. Hall and David Soskice, eds, Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 337-60, PDF
Pension Regimes and Financial Systems: Between Financial Commitment, Market Liquidity and Corporate Governance". zusammen mit Gregory Jackson, in: Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Philip Manow, (eds.) , The Varieties of Welfare Capitalism: Social Policy and Political Economy in Europe, Japan and the USA. London: Routledge, 171-89, PDF
Unternehmensführung und Arbeitsbeziehungen in deutschen Tochtergesellschaften großer ausländischen Unternehmen. März 2001, Düsseldorf: Forum Mitbestimmung und Unternehmen, PDF
Works Councils: Managers of Cross-Cultural Change, co-authored with Norbert Kluge, in: Mitbestimmung, International Edition, July 2001, 40-43, PDF
"Standort Deutschland: Der Markt entscheidet, in: Forum Mitbestimmung und Unternehmen Projektbrief Nr. 3/2001, 3.
The Reconstruction of German Corporate Governance: Reassessing the Role of Capital Market Pressures", PDF
Globalization: A Fundamental Challenge to the German Model?, in: Geoffrey Underhill, (ed.) , Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 373-381.
"Are German Banks Different?, in: Small Business Economics, 1998, 10(2): 79-91, PDF
The German Model in the 1990s: Problems and Prospects", Co-authored with Steven Casper, in: Industry and Innovation, 1997, 4 (1): 1-14.
"German Industrial Policy: An Overview, in: Industry and Innovation, 1997, 4(1): 15-36.
Financial Systems and Industrial Policy in Germany and Great Britain: The Limits of Convergence, in: D. Forsyth and T. Notermans, (eds.) , Regime Changes: Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Regulation in Europe from the 1930s to the 1990s. Providence, R.I.: Berghahn Books, 221-55.
(An earlier version of this article is available for downloading as WZB discussion paper)
Corporate Governance in Large British and German Companies: Comparative Institutional Advantage or Competing for Best Practice. zusammen mit Steven Casper, David Soskice and Stephen Woolcock, 1997, London: Anglo-German Foundation.
Relazioni sindacali e ristrutturazione nell'industria siderurgica tedesca, in: Tiziano Treu, (ed.) , Le relazioni industriali nella siderurgia europea, Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1995.
"European Works Councils: Between Statutory Enactment and Voluntary Adoption, (zusammen mit Wolfgang Streeck), in: J. Rogers und W. Streeck, (eds.) Works Councils: Consultation, Representation and Cooperation, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1995.
Deindustrialisierung und Strukturpolitik in den West Midlands: Neue Wege der Strukturpolitik?, in: H. Kilper und D. Rehfeld (eds.) , Konzern und Region zwischen Rückzug und neuer Integration: International vergleichende Studien über Montan- und Automobilregionen. Münster: Lit Verlag, 1994
German Banks and the Modernization of the Small Firm Sector: Long-Term Finance in Comparative Perspective. WZB Discussion Paper FS I 95-309.
Corporate Governance versus Economic Governance: Banks and Industrial Restructuring in the U.S. and Germany. WZB Discussion Paper FS I 95-310.
Inflation versus Central Bank Independence? Banking Regulation and Financial Stability in the U.S. and Germany. WZB Discussion Paper FS I 95-312.
Managing Competencies within Entrepreneurial Technologies: A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Software Firms in Germany and the United Kingdom"205-235 in: Grimshaw, Damian and Marcela Miozzo, (eds.) Knowledge-Intensive Services and Changing Organizational Forms. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (mit Steven Casper), PDF
"Corporate Governance: Negotiated shareholder value – a third way?, in: Mitbestimmung International Edition, 8/2006, p. 20 - 23, PDF
quoted in: "Beware, union on board? Why Germany's worker directors need to justify their jobs", Artikel in Financial Times Deutschland dd. 30.8.2006, PDF
quoted in: "Dritter Weg", Artikel in Handelsblatt No. 131 dd. 11.7.2006, 9, PDF
"Wissenschaftler rechnet mit neuen Eigentümerstrukturen in Unternehmen", Interview ddp_Nachrichtenagentur, 6.7.2006, PDF
quoted in: "IPO-Schwemme 2006 - Schnelles Geld", dd. 4.5.2006, PDF
quoted in: "SAP will keinen Betriebsrat", taz, dd. 4.3.2006, PDF